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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Not on the High Street

Not on the High Street
Red Carpet Jewellery Design Reaches The High Street
Andrew Regan
Fashion designers are increasingly turning to the high street to get their designs seen and worn by the public. It is not a new phenomenon to see...
id=814095 - Nov 02, 2007
Stylish Underwear Over the High Street Brands
James Keightley
For a exceptionally long time, underwear was simply viewed as a functional item that men need to buy in order to wear under their clothing. It was something that was not visible, and simply served a value, rather than being something that had to be particularly fashionable.
id=7360820 - Nov 01, 2012
Microsoft to Hit the High Street
Musa Aykac
Microsoft is probably one of the best known companies in the tech world. They almost have there hand in every market whether its software, search or social networking, you can rest assured that Microsoft have their hands firmly in each industry. Recently Microsoft has just announced that they will be opening a chain of stores on the high street.
id=1992940 - Feb 13, 2009
Escape the High Street Frustration
Emma Crawford
Buying a gift for the women in your life can be a hard task, especially when you are seeking something different. It doesn't matter if it is your wife, mother, sister or friend finding that prefect gift can be a challenge.
id=4587217 - Jul 01, 2010
The Closing Gap Between Online and Offline Sales: Are People Shunning the High-Street?
Felicity Crouch
Almost anything can now be done online, and the gap is closing between the physical and the cyber world. Such is the convenience and efficiency of the internet, that many choose to shop online rather than visit the high-street. The conventional retail method is dwindling; shoppers opting to browse from the comfort of their own home instead. And who can blame them? Choosing to cruise through the endless options online whilst sat in a warm room on a cosy sofa; certainly seems to beat battling Britain's dreary weather and struggling through streets packed with hoards of weekend shoppers.
id=6174254 - Apr 13, 2011
Luxury V The High Street
Ben Blomerley
If you open up any fashion magazine, particularly the more budget-friendly ones, you'll often see features comparing the latest designer dress or pair of shoes with their high-street replicas. Normally, there will be a few that are very close to identical. So why spend hundreds when you could spend two-thirds or even half the price on the same look?
id=7328818 - Oct 11, 2012
Gone in 60 Clicks: Does the High Street Have a Future?
Samuel Jons
The decline of the High Street has long been foretold, but just what is the truth about online versus in store shopping? Is traditional shopping really on the brink of collapse? We examine the benefits of online shopping and look at why the convenience of home delivery might just be the saviour of the High Street after all.
id=7924448 - Sep 04, 2013
Saving the High Street
Ali Withers
Regular reports of retail chains in difficulty suggest that consumer spending is not only being cut but that buying habits are changing. But announcements of the death of the High Street may still be premature.
id=6307049 - May 28, 2011
E-Commerce: The Future Of The High Street
Maria H Ahmed
Within just a small number of years the words online shopping have become quite carefully and skilfully embedded into our vocabulary and in return our way of thinking. Gone are the days where we have no choice but to go to the shops, the internet and the range of e-commerce websites available have made our lives easier and for the high street business owner they have cemented success that may otherwise have not seemed possible.
id=8007046 - Sep 17, 2013
How to Save Money on the High Street
Bernadine Pickett
Saving money on your high street shopping has never been easier - here's why. Everyone loves saving money on products on the high street. Christmas sales, January sales, summer sales - they're all opportunities to save ourselves some money in the shops.

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