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Friday, November 22, 2013

Charles Manson

Charles Manson
Charles Manson
Danielle Langley
While traveling, a few of the Manson family ladies went hitchhiking and Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys drove them back to his Pacific Palisades home. Charles appeared on the property with the rest of his Manson followers, acted as servants and stayed at Dennis Wilson's for the next few months, costing him over a hundred thousand dollars. Often Charles played his guitar and jammed, making impressions on music business friends that welcomed him into the recording studio to create an album.
id=814080 - Nov 02, 2007
Compassion, Pol Pot, And Charles Manson
Narciso M Reyes
Man's nature, the product of millions of years of evolution, defines us. It is neither "good" nor "bad" but a combination of both.Compassion, Zen enjoins, will be critical in the task of human betterment. Recognizing and accepting that there is a Hitler, Pol Pot or Charles Manson lurking in all of us, just waiting to be unleashed with the right combination of circumstances is the beginning of compassion. Then we can really relate and connect with the sufferings of their victims.,-Pol-Pot,-And-Charles-Manson
id=5674087 - Jan 06, 2011
A Brief Introduction to Marilyn Manson
Missy Ray
Marilyn Manson was born on January 5th, 1969 in Canton, Ohio, and was named Brian Hugh Warner. His father, Hugh Warner, is of German and Polish decent, and is Catholic. His Episcopalian mother, Barb Wyer raised him. He attended a Christian school for while before he graduated in 1987 from Cardinal Gibbons High School. Thereafter, he studied journalism at Broward Community College and even wrote for a magazine called 25th Parallel.
id=2339722 - May 13, 2009
Do You Still Want Your 15 Minutes Of Andy Warhol's Promise Of Fame? Here's One Way And It Works
Rick London
Any artist, cartoonist, or writer knows that eventually, he is going to anger someone. That is not necessarily a bad thing. As a cartoonist, I did an experiment on "America's Fascination With Fame" and what I discovered may, or may not surprise you. And its easily available if you really want it.
id=684534 - Aug 11, 2007
Celebrity Today Much Easier Through Internet Branding
Rick London
When I got home last night I grabbed the remote and turned on a cable news program. I was busy in the kitchen and couldn't see the screen but I heard a voice that I remembered always sent chills down my spine. I walked into the living room and sure enough, staring me in the face, swastika on forehead, cigarette in hand, was Charles Manson further "branding himself". "Egad", I thought, "Andy Warhol promised 15 minutes and this jerk's had 50 years!"
id=1178453 - May 15, 2008
Entertaining America - The Staggering Cost in Dollars and Lives
Michael Bresciani
It would seem that the citizens of the richest country in the world are bored to tears. To offset these doldrums Americans give up cash, health and security with ease. Why are we so driven to be entertained at any cost?
id=204371 - May 24, 2006
"Now It's Dark" - Self-Sabotage and Addiction in the Novel, "Permanent Obscurity" by Richard Perez
Daniel C Fletcher
Let me start at the beginning. This is a memoir of sorts (or a faux-memoir), and our narrator is Dolores Santana. The story she tells is about her meeting -- and her relationship with -- Serena Moon, a singer and a performer in a number of short-lived rock and roll bands. Both are young women, early twenties, at the telling, but meet as teenagers.,-Permanent-Obscurity-by-Richard-Perez
id=5534405 - Dec 10, 2010
Showgirls, Basic Instinct and the Real Saint Patrick
Tobin Crenshaw
A Hollywood bad boy finds redemption in his darkest hour. A slave receives a supernatural visit that ends in a miracle. And a promise beyond belief awaits every life. Forget the green beer, find out the amazing truth behind the life of one of the world's favorite saints.,-Basic-Instinct-and-the-Real-Saint-Patrick
id=6083524 - Mar 16, 2011
Dangers of Underground Hypnosis - Psychosis, Alcohol, and Loss of Control
Jack Ellis
Over the years I've experienced many of the unwanted side effects of hypnosis. Like many things, if you're not careful it can all blow up in your face. Here are some examples of what I've discovered:,-Alcohol,-and-Loss-of-Control
id=3883667 - Mar 07, 2010
Book Review - Sinister Forces A Grimoire Of Political Witchcraft, Book II A Warm Gun
William J. Gallagher
A Book Review of Sinister Forces: A Grimoire Of Political Witchcraft, Book II: A Warm Gun. The Author is Peter Levenda. Also, a Foreword by Dick Russell.,-Book-II-A-Warm-Gun

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