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Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Sting of Bees: It's Painful
Navodita Maurice
Bees are cosmopolitan insects belonging to the order Hymenoptera. They have a well developed sting apparatus for defending from the predators. It is present in honey bees, bumble bees and sweat bees. The bee sting is also compared with the sting of wasp, hornet. Some people even call the bite of a horse fly a bee sting. The sting weather it is of bee or wasp is painful. It is very important to note that the insect bite is completely different from that of a bee sting as both contain different toxins or venom. The reaction of body to the bee sting is totally different for different species. Most aggressive insects are the vespid wasps.
id=5256200 - Oct 23, 2010
Treatment for Wasp Stings and Bee Stings
Michael Uhl
Bee stings are bound to happen if you spend any significant amount of time outdoors. In a majority of cases when people think they've been stung by a bee, the culprit is actually a wasp. Wasps are much more aggressive than bees in general, are able to sting multiple times, and unfortunately for the victim, wasp stings are generally more painful than bee stings.
id=5046220 - Sep 16, 2010
How To Treat A Bee Sting And Avoid Stinging Insects
Andrea Snyder-Smith
Summer is the season for many pests to become active and this is especially true for stinging insects. Because of their increased activity and your increased time spent outdoors, the chance of being stung by a bee also increases. After the initial sting, the reaction you may have to the sting can range from very mild to life threatening, if you are allergic to the venom contained in the bee's stinger.
id=7789514 - Jun 13, 2013
Bee Sting Myths Exposed
Laurel Abell
Do all bees sting? Can a bee sting help treat arthritis symptoms? If you stay near a flower, is it likely for a bee to sting you? Find out more about these popular bee sting myths as you read along these common misconceptions about bees.
id=8183039 - Dec 13, 2013
Bee Stings - Wasp Stings - The Simple Facts and the Cures
Robert Benjamin
Learn the facts on Bee Stings and Wasp Stings, and the cures
id=605340 - Jun 13, 2007
Stinging Insect Allergy
Bryan P Morris
All insect stings are not allergic but one who is allergic should be very careful from the insects causing allergies. Insect sting allergies can be very serious at times so proper cure needs to be taken. First it is necessary to identify the problem and then the necessary preventive measures have to be adopted.
id=1771728 - Dec 09, 2008
Acute Renal Failure Following Bee Sting
Irsan Komarga
Bees are known stinging insects belonging to order hymenoptera. They are found mostly in tropical countries. Honey produced by them are used as medicines in different diseases. However, their sting can be dangerous.
id=3745731 - Feb 11, 2010
You're Too Good for Me, Sting
Jussi Hurnasti
He was walking in the moon, and he was watching us. He asked us not to stand so close to him and he told you to put away your make up. Now, after the rain has fallen he still loves us even though he's driven to tears. He is, Sting.,-Sting
id=4954467 - Aug 30, 2010
Bee Stings
Muhd Asif Raza
A bee can kill you...but for the vast majority of you, a bee sting is simply a bit of pain. For the minority of people who have severe reactions to bee stings, the symptoms can range from a swelling of the total body, to vomiting shaking, trouble breathing, even coma, shock and death and die. In fact, more Americans die from bee or other insect stings than from snake bites every year.
id=4083045 - Apr 09, 2010
Treating Bee Stings
Rowan Hamilton
With the arrival of the North American summer comes the risk of bee stings. When stung by a honey bee the barb remains in the skin and tears the poison sack out of the bee's abdomen, killing it. However the poison sack will continue to release toxins into the victim until it is removed. Bee sting treatments combine modern medical attention with tried and tested folklore.

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