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Sunday, March 2, 2014


The Politics of Fear - Extremist Parties in Times of Unrest
Kit Marsters
There's an election coming up in Britain. It's an important election, and there are important choices to be made. Some of the options available to be voter are options of an extreme nature. This article highlights the issues surrounding those options, and what can happen when fear drives the vote.
id=4103782 - Apr 13, 2010
Elections - How to Decide Who Deserves Your Vote
Kit Marsters
Elections can be a confusing time for voters, especially when you're not certain that any of the parties represent you and your views. This article offers advice on how to choose the party for you.
id=4103917 - Apr 13, 2010
Can Europe Provide An Opportunity For David Cameron?
Stephen W B Canning
Europe is in deep trouble. It has become clear that although the Euro may not collapse if there is not much deeper economic integration and vast financial transfers; it would certainly be safer if it did have these.
id=4953097 - Aug 30, 2010
Are all Voters Equal in the United Kingdom?
John Cross
To most people democracy is about living in a country where every (or nearly every) adult is allowed to have their say by casting votes. People take the equality of voters as a given most people would be angry if they were to find out their neighbour or colleague got five votes while they had but one. Yes most of us take it for granted that because every voter has one vote it follows that every voter is treated equal and that this is a good thing.Unfortunately it simply is not true that all voters are treated equally.
id=172794 - Apr 04, 2006
Lib Dems Narrowly Miss Out On Barnsley Election Win But Give Monster Raving Loonies A Good Thrashing
Henry Carlton
Well! Talk about pipped at the post. In what must be one of the closest-run elections in Barnsley since the last one, the Liberal Democrats came a close sixth, with only Labour, UKIP, Conservatives, British National Party and an Independent coming ahead of them. To their great credit, the Lib Dems soundly thrashed the Monster Raving Loony Party by a solid margin of 814 votes, with candidate Howling Laud Hope trailing way down the field at eighth. With a respectable 1012 votes in the bag, just another 13,713 would have seen the Lib Dems trotting out as winners.
id=6036454 - Mar 04, 2011
Sukarno, A Political Biography by J D Legge - Nationalism Revisited
Philip Spires
Sukarno was Indonesia's first president. A review of Legge's Sukarno, A Political Biography, and reflect on the nature of nationalism as a political ideology.,-A-Political-Biography-by-J-D-Legge---Nationalism-Revisited
id=764094 - Oct 04, 2007
Where Now For European Political Parties?
Henning Meyer
What can European political parties learn from Barack Obama's victory in the US? This article provides some answers.
id=2363114 - May 18, 2009
Crime and Punishment - Britain's Parliamentarians to Escape Justice
John Sylvester
The furore in Britain's parliament over the expenses debacle has added fuel to the fire now raging as the country faces its worst economic crisis of modern times, with the Exchequer laid bare for a decade or so to come. Michael Martin, who was perceived to be the overseer for a legion of so-called fraudsters has been forced to resign as the House of Commons' speaker in a row over MPs expenses and is the first speaker to be forced out since 1695. Anger is brimming over at the moment as MPs have been...
id=2375812 - May 21, 2009
Are Polling Stations in the Twenty-First Century?
Geoff Howard
Is the polling station still viable? What can we do to improve voting? This is the age of technology, let's use it!
id=2438723 - Jun 05, 2009
The Eight Effects of a "Hung" Parliament in Britain
Mark W. Medley
As election day nears in the UK, and many opinion polls point to a decline in voter turnout, with no clear "winner" in the Election. Britain faces the possibility of a "Hung," Parliament. What are the effects of a "Hung" Parliament?

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