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Monday, March 3, 2014


Russia's Accession to the WTO - What Does It Mean?
Alexander J Rogan
Russia joined the WTO officially in August 2012. One week later Russia implemented a protectionist tax targeteding car manufacturers without Russian assembly plants. Russia is looking after its own. Russia and Ukraine are on the brink of a new Trade War and neither look to the W.T.O for arbitration. The Russian Duma has approved the 2012 Industrial Assembly Regime Compensation Act to reimburse import taxes paid for components supplying the assembly processes by Russian based car manufacturers, since Russia joined the WTO. To regain lost revenue and accelerate local content in foreign brand vehicles the government introduced the Renewal Tax but with benefits those car manufacturers who have built assembly plants and factories in return for favourable (low) import duties and taxes. These protectionist measures do not sit well with the W.T.O., or with the organisations not directly benefiting from Mr Putin's generosity. Despite years of preparation Russia has not provided training for the specialists the country now needs. Russia is under pressure to recruit and train at least 300 officials and thousands of lawyers and economists capable of defending Russia's interests in foreign trade.
id=7360990 - Nov 01, 2012
Restoration in Russia: Much Needed and Inevitable
Helen Shelestiuk
REAL RUSSIA bimonthly political issue Handing over power to Vladimir Putin in 1999, Boris Yeltsin sought to preserve the political alignment of forces and coordinates he set during his rule in Russia in 1991-1999. The project 'Heir' did not only imply selecting a man from Yeltsin's 'camp', but the one who would preserve the status quo of the regime. This is indicated, among other things, by the fact that he insisted on his 'key men' Alexey Voloshin and Mikhail Kasyanov to have the longest possible term in office. However, the overall results of Putin's five-year office show that he has discarded most of Yeltsin's heritage.
id=18532 - Mar 06, 2005
Golden Ring of Russia - Travel Guide
Stan Trof
Travel Guide to the world-famous towns of Golden Ring that represent 1,000 years of rich Russian history.
id=48204 - Jul 03, 2005
The Coming War With Russia
N.W. Smith
Russia will invade Israel at a time when war is not expected. Students of Bible prophecy have long expected a Russian military move in the Middle East. Early in the 20th century, Dr. Ironside wrote: In the last days, the final head of the Russian people will look with covetous eyes upon the great developments in the land of Palestine.
id=804773 - Oct 28, 2007
Russia's Czar Putin?
James Voigt
Russia is a misunderstood country. The majority of Russian people are free thinking and determined to make Russia an open and fair society. Russia will never become a little America; however, Russia can be a key trading partner and ally.
id=966020 - Feb 04, 2008
Why Does Russia Support Serbia and Why Does US Support Kosovo
Slava Shirokov
You have probably heard in the news that Russia and the US are at odds on the issue of Kosovo. So, why does Russians support the Serbs and why does America support the Kosovars?
id=1016332 - Feb 28, 2008
The US Encirclement of Russia
Martin Straith
While the credit crunch, bank collapses and the housing crash have kept us busy analyzing what is next for the markets, we must reflect on the recent headlines of Russia's invasion of Georgia. We feel that we need to study this event very closely as it confirms our earlier concerns expressed in our June 3, 2007 issue of the TREND letter. In that issue we highlighted an Associated Press story where Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at that time said that tests of new Russian missiles ...
id=1494538 - Sep 13, 2008
Russia's Actions Set the Tone For Respect of Russia
Gene Hudgens
Russia's history indicates that its leaders wanted to be leaders without leading to better mankind. Today Russia's leadership continues to defy world cooperation.
id=1880093 - Jan 14, 2009
The Top Ten Russia Destinations in 2010
Anna Abbasi
Russia stretches over a vast territory of Europe and Asia and is the largest country in the world. Travelers exploring Russia will not be disappointed: its impressive museums, history, culture and unspoiled wilderness will leave one with a desire to see more. They can travel Russia one city at time or maximize their Russian adventure by taking a classic river cruise from Saint-Petersburg to Astrakhan.
id=3749447 - Feb 12, 2010
Russia and Ukraine: Yet Another Trade War
Alexander J Rogan
Despite both countries signing up to the protocols and rules that govern W.T.O. membership, Russia and Ukraine are on the verge of an automotive trade war. Both countries have been arguing vociferously since 1991 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The latest spat is in a long line of scraps fought noisily, in public and through the courts as so called Russian allies have been imprisoned. What is of interest is how both countries completely ignore the W.T.O. as a route for arbitration and as a method of controlling and inhibiting protectionist measures.

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