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Sunday, March 2, 2014


Baby Crying - 26 Reasons For Your Baby To Cry
Abhishek Agarwal
One of the very first functions a baby does, at the moment of leaving the womb, is to cry. This function is repeated over and again, as this newborn learns that crying will get the attention needed at the right moment to make him or her comfortable.
id=1657031 - Nov 06, 2008
Babies Cry - But Why?
Jan Murray
Crying is a normal communication response that newborn babies use, but unfortunately, it can be hard for parents to listen to. A newborn baby's cry tugs at a parent's heart strings which can leave an adult feeling anxious, tense and guilty for not knowing why their baby is crying. Not understanding why a baby cries, leaves a parent at a loss for what to do to comfort them. Listed in this article is the 8 most common reasons why a baby may be crying.
id=2253214 - Apr 22, 2009
25 Reasons Why Babies Cry
Thomas Choo
Did you know there are as many as 25 reasons why babies cry? The causes of crying extends from simple reasons to life threatening conditions. While it is prudent to investigate every crying, it is also good to know that some babies cry habitually without any real reasons.
id=314923 - Oct 01, 2006
Could You use a Good Cry? Join the club!
Michael Tummillo!
id=639561 - Jul 10, 2007
Crying Spells
Mark I Myhre
Crying spells occur for many reasons. Here's how to evaluate them and turn them into something positive and uplifting...
id=681821 - Aug 09, 2007
The Art Of Crying
Lanie Pambid
Whenever you encounter a big problem, and you couldn't do anything to solve it, do you cry? If you just had a break up, do you cry? When you were a kid and bullies made fun of you, did you cry? Well, I guess you did! You're human, right? That's nice to know. Now, I would like to ask you, how did you feel after you cried? Were you relieved? Did you feel better or worse? Did you want to cry more?
id=714543 - Sep 03, 2007
How to Calm a Crying Baby
Donna Newnham
Some useful tips on getting your baby to stop crying. Deciphering your baby's different cries and using this to calm them. Find ways to keep on top of your babies distress, rather than it getting on top of you.
id=1017936 - Feb 29, 2008
Comforting Crying People - 8 Cliches to Avoid at All Costs
Virginia Duffy
When people try to comfort others who are upset and crying they usually mean well. However sometimes the things they say may not only not help, they may actually make the situation worse. Here are some of the worst things someone can say when attempting to comfort another.
id=1182280 - May 17, 2008
Learn How to Soothe a Crying Baby
Riley Asbey
Why does a baby cry? A Baby cries normally for getting attention, or may be to even to communicate something. The main reason for a baby to cry is hunger. A baby will cry moderately in the first few months and this will have a steady increase. The period of crying may even last up to one hour which is considered normal. Babies are even compared to howling tear factories.
id=2706331 - Aug 04, 2009
Why is My Baby Crying? - A Lesson in Non Verbal Communications
Robert D. Kelsey
It is quite probable that your child's crying is a form of communication. They know they need something but they can't make the words. Their only way to vocalize is to cry, or giggle, but here we are looking at crying.

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