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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Roswell UFO Incident
2009 Roswell UFO Festival - A Family Fun Vacation
Kari Poulsen
The Roswell UFO Festival is a fun and unique place to be! Do you like ET? Do you like Star Wars? None of these come close to the amount of fun your family will find in Roswell, NM!!! All kids, large and small, will love this festival. The people are friendly and fun...GO!!!
id=2058127 - Mar 15, 2009
Roswell New Mexico UFO Crash - Fact Or Fiction?
James Hewson
The now infamous Roswell UFO Incident involved the salvage of suspicious apparatus near Roswell, New Mexico, United States, on the 7th of July 1947. Since the early 1980s it has become the focus of powerful rumors and probing questions around what exactly happened at this alleged crash site. We present the evidence and you decide what really occurred in Roswell New Mexico.
id=2114497 - Mar 18, 2009
UFO - The Truth
Will Thurman
The range of cases and 'sightings' of UFO's throughout the history of our world is staggering and yet people continue to belief that nothing exists in our skies, that is not a part of our own world. It's true that while there is a vast amount of cases, studies and research to the phenomenon, not one piece of refutable evidence exists that can prove we are being visited by extra terrestrial beings. Sceptics themselves would say then that is a conclusion to the debate itself, but what exactly has caused such worldwide belief to form in...
id=5974556 - Feb 22, 2011
The Truth Behind Roswell
Francesca Black
The city of Roswell boasts a population of nearly 50,000 residents, a healthy economy, and a reputation for being a haven for UFO enthusiasts. The most famous of all UFO and alien stories is that of Roswell, made legend in movies, television shows and hundreds of books.
id=198171 - May 15, 2006
Little Green Men in Your TV - Roswell Through a Pop Culture Perspective
Vince Baroni
The Roswell UFO Incident is one of the most popular, enduring and fascinating conspiracy theories of all time. It's safe to say that after that, the world has been gripped by a UFO hysteria that it has not quite completely gotten out from, until now.
id=1352615 - Jul 23, 2008
Aliens Ate My Motorcycle: : Things to Do in New Mexico When You're UFOing
Paul Garson
Scully and Muldur where were you when I needed you?
id=580243 - May 25, 2007
Space Aliens And UFO's Galore
Mollie Manuell
Want to be abducted by space aliens? Well, it might just be possible pretty soon! Perhaps by 2010.
id=613767 - Jun 19, 2007
UFO Sightings: Still a Mystery
Chuck M Marino
UFO is the abbreviation for unidentified flying objects that are the mystery of the sky. It is still a mystery if they exist or not.
id=7004342 - Apr 16, 2012
UFO's - Are They REAL or Have Millions of People All Seen Thousands of Different Optical Illusions?
Gary Simpson
Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 is perhaps the most famous and celebrated case of a UFO "incident." If you follow the main accounts of this story you would indeed be influenced to think that SOMETHING from another world did crash on planet earth. So, what really happened? Are UFO's real or are they illusions seen by millions of people in all countries of the world?
id=441857 - Feb 04, 2007
The Top 10 Best Selling UFO Books Reviewed
Greg Morrisey
The Alien Chronicles takes us on a whirlwind tour through the most obvious source for Extraterrestrial encounters - our ancestors' art and writings. From Prehistoric cave art to the texts of the high civilisations of Sumeria and Egypt, this superbly illustrated book, makes us question the orthodox viewpoints surrounding our history and beliefs.

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