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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks
Top 10 Tom Hanks Movies
Andy Webb
A look at the movie career of Tom Hanks which started at the start of the 80s. Plus my choice of the Top 10 Tom Hanks Movies.
id=4817577 - Aug 07, 2010
Tom Hanks As One of the Country's Most Respected and Decorated Actors of the Century
Natalia Vorontsova
Though it took almost a decade to rise from the depths, Hanks made his name with a touching performance in "Big" (1988), opening the doors to eventual back-to-back Oscar glory with "Philadelphia" (1993) and "Forrest Gump" (1994). Not one to rest on his laurels, Hanks continued making quality work while challenging the everyman persona he developed, taking on roles as an autocratic company man in "Cast Away" (2000), a mob hit man in "Road to Perdition" (2002) and a cocaine- and hooker-loving congressman in "Charlie Wilson's War" (2007), all the while firmly establishing himself as the finest actor of his generation, as well as being universally perceived as "the nicest guy in show business."
id=2765036 - Aug 15, 2009
My Favorite Tom Hanks Films of All Time
Harold Aulet
If we want to make an argument or top 10 list of the best actors of all time, one actor that you can certainly make an argument for is Tom Hanks. Ever since his role in Splash, he has been one of the objectively likable guys working in Hollywood. He just seems like a good person and I feel that resonates through his roles.
id=4926703 - Aug 25, 2010
My Favorite Tom Hanks Movies in Recent Memory
Michael Walters
Tom Hanks seems like a good guy. He has never said anything off screen that has turned people off and the roles he chooses consistently are likable characters. Even in Catch Me If You Can, in which he played a detective on the chase of the protagonist, he still wasn't a bad guy.
id=4928040 - Aug 25, 2010
Tom Hanks and Opie
John T Jones, Ph.D.
Likeable but serious performers and directors, Ron Howard and Tom Hanks have entertained us for decades. They are together again in the Da Vinci Code.
id=193971 - May 09, 2006
The Top Five Best Movies Starring the Great Tom Hanks
Michael Walters
Let's talk about Tom Hanks. I cannot say that Mr. Hanks is one of my favorite actors per se, but do I respect his talent?
id=4939308 - Aug 27, 2010
Top 5 Tom Hanks Movies
Chai Rose
Tom Hanks is quite possibly the best actor of our time. He has played a variety of roles in a variety of great movies. To narrow down his "best" movies to 5 is no easy task.
id=1053561 - Mar 18, 2008
"Forrest Gump" Teaches Many Lessons, and Tom Hanks Earns Best Actor Oscar
Ed Bagley
Everything that happens in "Forrest Gump" is worth seeing, and much of what happens through its central character Forrest Gump teaches us important lessons in life. This is a love story, a story of relationships and the story of one person in a very big world that is sometimes almost impossible to understand. Forrest Gump won 6 Oscars and another 7 Oscar nominations and remains one of the most successful films ever made. Find out why.,-and-Tom-Hanks-Earns-Best-Actor-Oscar
id=1368121 - Jul 30, 2008
Splash Movie Review - Starring Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah
David Terr
"Splash" is a very funny and entertaining romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah, who plays the role of a mermaid. Although the plot is pretty ridiculous, the acting is quite good. John Candy also has a funny role as Freddie, the rather perverted brother of Allen (Hanks), who works for Penthouse magazine.
id=479103 - Mar 06, 2007
Catch Me If You Can Movie Review - Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks
David Terr
"Catch Me If You Can" is the very funny and amazing true story of Frank Abignale, Jr., a young man who cleverly cheats banks out of some four million dollars by age 19 by forging checks and posing as an airline pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer. Leonardo DiCaprio does a great acting job as Frank, as does Tom Hanks as Carl Henratty, an FBI agent and bank fraud specialist who catches onto Frank's crimes and goes after him.

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