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Thursday, October 10, 2013


The Truth About the Supernatural
Clarence Sargent
The concept of the supernatural has intrigued people of all cultures for millenia. Most professors of the natural sciences such as biology, physics, or neuroscience would probably say, if asked, that there was no such thing as the supernatural. What is it about the natural sciences that leads people to deny the existence of the supernatural.
id=830501 - Nov 14, 2007
The Supernatural
Dr. Randy Wysong
Supernatural is a word that has caused much conflict between science and religion. Since nobody knows the bounds of nature, nobody can say what lies outside of those bounds. "Supernatural" needs to be retired and in its place put the open-minded search for truth.
id=84470 - Oct 19, 2005
How to Be Supernatural
Tonja K Taylor
Being supernatural is easy. Just get the SuperBook and do what it says!
id=6652391 - Oct 26, 2011
Supernaturalism and Competing Assumptions in Africa, A Reflection
Oliver Harding
This reflection is based on the first part of an article written by a Nigerian, Dr. Herbert Eze, former Academic Dean of West Africa Theological Seminary, Lagos, an affiliate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. In this 2005 publication, the writer chooses the Kamwe/Mubi in Nigeria as case study and observes that these people believe in a transcendent and universal God. Even though they have the faulty notion that He is far away thus justifying appeasing the lesser deities to reach him, the concept of the way to the Creator is still present among them. Issues like the belief in the supernatural, demons, divine healing, emotional/physical expressions of worship etc. (some basic tenets of Pentecostalism) are very consistent with the African world view.,-A-Reflection
id=1410269 - Aug 14, 2008
Developing Your Supernatural Abilities - Answers To 3 Questions On Psychic Self-Defense
Abhishek Agarwal
What is supernatural to some is perfectly natural to others. Humans have a wide range of abilities, many of which we ignore. Here are some things you should know about your supernatural abilities.
id=1657245 - Nov 06, 2008
Walking In The Supernatural
Dr. Ephraim John Udofia
Having the power of God should be a dire desire in the hearts of true believers. This desire will usher anyone into walking in the supernatural by conscious surrender to the call of God. To desire this experience is one thing and having the willingness to pay the price that will put you in this position is another. This article seeks to address the keys that will make a profound difference.
id=7056824 - May 11, 2012
Get Your Good Stuff With The Supernatural World
Jack Marinchek
Get your good stuff with the Supernatural World.
id=657354 - Jul 23, 2007
Coleridge's Treatment of the Supernatural in the Ancient Mariner
Bhaskar Banerjee
It is by drawing our attention to the terror-stricken feelings manifested on his face that the poet convinces us of the reality of the experience. We would certainly refuse to accept the supernatural details as real, but there is no mistaking the downright inevitable gush of frightful feelings and sensations evoked by the supernatural powers.
id=406960 - Jan 07, 2007
The Supernatural Story: 10 Years In The Making
Jackie Wither
For those who want to enter the world of the paranormal, "Supernatural" provides exactly that priceless opportunity. While it may not allow you to enter the world of the paranormal in real life, the story is something that is sure to captivate anyone who enjoys immersing their mind with the thoughts of supernatural forces being real.
id=7326410 - Oct 10, 2012
What Exactly Is "Supernatural?"
Robin Retallick
Is there anything that really is "supernatural" or "magical?" If we had our "Theory Of Everything" as Stephen Hawking suggests, in truth, nothing would be supernatural. It's just that there's some things we don't yet understand well enough. As science progresses, as we peel away the layers of ignorance, thw worlds of the scientific and the spiritual seem to be converging.

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