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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Most Popular posts of sedition
The Alien and Sedition Acts - Federalists Pushed To Violate The Constitution
Alfred Grenfell Fishburne, Jr
During the first decade of the Republic, the Federalist Party was in power. It represented wealth and the aristocracy and scorned democracy and wanted a war with France to bankrupt America. Although we narrowly escaped war with France, the Federalist pushed through Congress the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were passed with the intention of putting an end to freedom and democracy. Those who spoke for the Bill of Rights were treated as traitors. It had become a measure of sedition. It was under these horrible conditions that Thomas Jefferson formed a party of opposition to awaken the people to their peril, to mobilize them in defense of their freedoms, and to revive their courage and fighting spirit.
id=7345935 - Oct 22, 2012
A Short Story - What If
Athena Louise
Anyone who studied history knows what happened next. They know of the riots, the arrests of thousands, the slave labor camps, the suspension of the Constitution, the National Police force under the command of Homeland Security.
id=582636 - May 28, 2007
John Adams and Politics
David Bunch
John Adams got the biggest vote next to Washington's, and was elected the first vice-president of the United States. At this time, Adams was fifty-three years old. He was a courteous man in his speech, and very polished in his manner.
id=4798452 - Aug 04, 2010
Christianity and Disinformation
Ilya Shambat
Having been around serious Christians for a number of years, I have developed respect for a creed that I originally saw as being thoroughly wrong. That respect however does not extend to deception that passes in many places as Christian teachings or Christian values.
One of these stances is opposition to science.
id=7268596 - Sep 05, 2012
Blogging - Are You Exposing Yourself To Legal Liabilities?
Sabrina Mohamed Hashim
The growth of Internet websites offering weblogs continue to mushroom everyday. A weblog or in short a blog is an online journal containing the personal reflections and comments provided by the writer i.e. the blogger.
id=6761915 - Dec 16, 2011
Definition of Law
Lisa L Lane
Do you need some guidance on Criminal Law? The crime of espionage during war consists of collecting, recording, publishing, or communicating "any information" about troop movements, ships, aircraft, or war materials and any other information" which might be useful to the enemy.
id=1989001 - Feb 12, 2009
America's "Tea Parties" - Fantastic Or Futile?
Russell Longcore
During the week of April 15th, in over 800 cities across America, hundreds of thousands of people gathered to give voice to their opposition to out-of-control spending at all levels of government. These protests sprung from a true "grassroots" movement, as people from all walks of life met at state capitols, city squares, parks and street corners to protest intrusive government. Now, it's been about ten days since the events. I've had opportunity to watch, read and think about the events and their meaning.
id=2268713 - Apr 25, 2009
The Bible Myths (Part II)
J.S. Thompson
It was customary in ancient times, before a criminal was publically executed, that the nature of their crime be announced to all present. This was done either by public acclamation or by a sign which was hung around the neck of the accused and sometimes, posted on a wall or on a post near the site of execution. However, in the case of crucifixion, a sign was hung on the cross itself.
id=5257728 - Oct 23, 2010
Early Development of Political Parties and Campaigning
Paul R Turner
It was the powerful political men of their time, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, who persuaded other political leaders to take sides on the issues of the day. Those who, like Jefferson, believed that any powers not specifically granted in the Constitution to the national government should remain under the control of the individual states, were labeled "Republicans." Those who supported Hamilton in his belief that the national government should take whatever steps were necessary for the common good were known as "Federalists."
id=3309313 - Nov 22, 2009
THE BIBLE MYTH (Part I) - Following the Path of Logic to Paradise
J.S. Thompson
A writer builds their story around a theme that is designed to stand out in the mind of the reader. If someone were to try and remember a story they had heard a long time ago and draw from memory in an attempt to re-write it, they would not remember all of the details of the story but the main theme. So it was for the stories of the bible.

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