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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Most Popular posts of Earth Day 2013
World Water Day 2013: Making It Work Through Hell and High Water!
Rakesh Bhosale
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' puts it perfectly, without a glitch (if you can overlook my own spin to it). Samuel Taylor Coleridge never would have dreamt that his creative thoughts will become the harsh realities of H2O status line world-wide, just couple of centuries down the line. It has become a bumpy ride. UN estimates that by 2025, forty-eight nations, with combined population of 2.8 billion, will face freshwater 'stress' or 'scarcity'. Less than 1% of the world's fresh water (or about 0.007% of all water on earth) is readily accessible for direct human use, especially in the wake of water pollution scaling pinnacles rapidly. But then, as they say, "You never miss the water till the well runs dry." And I am more than sure that we all, beyond doubt, dread that day.!
id=7595120 - Apr 01, 2013
Celebrating International Women's Day 2013
Mike Walley
Friday 8th of March 2013 is International Women's Day, a day that is celebrated across the world, celebrating the achievements of women in business, the arts, politics and of course in the sciences. This is the one hundred and second International Women's Day, in some countries this day is a national holiday.
id=7528241 - Mar 01, 2013
Astrology Forecast for April 2013 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs
Janet Moon
March's nightmare will end instantly on April Fools' Day. Mercury's retrograde and all those planetary battles from March will quickly become ancient history, and we will settle down to a more comfortable pace. There could be a disturbance around April 12th, but outside of those few days, life could actually become so easy, that the eclipse on April 25th will catch us off guard. Get busy and make the most of April's fair stars, because the tides will turn sooner than we think.
id=7585162 - Mar 28, 2013
All Women On Earth
Dorothee Mackenbach
The position of a woman can be very different, depending on where she lives and other factors. What can we do for the girls and women who are suffering. March, 8th is International Women's Day.
id=7534803 - Mar 06, 2013
Other Earths Around A Different Sun
Judith E Braffman-Miller
The first extrasolar planet, found to be in orbit around a star like our own Sun, was discovered back in 1995. Since then, hundreds of extrasolar planets have been spotted by tenacious and curious planet-hunters, who have relentlessly sought other worlds belonging to the families of distant stars--and some of these new worlds have proven to be bizarre odd-balls unlike anything astronomers thought could exist, while others have been eerily familiar, resembling the planets in our own Solar System. The Holy Grail of planet-hunters, since that first momentous discovery almost twenty years ago, is the detection of a planet like our own Earth; a life-loving world where churning oceans of liquid water can exist, frothing under a blue sky dancing with white puffy clouds. On April 18, 2013, planet-hunting astronomers announced that they had found the most Earth-like worlds yet known to dwell beyond our Solar System!
id=7653541 - Apr 22, 2013
Looking Back at 2012 and Peeking Into 2013
Elais Ponton
Nurses With Heart Home Care's take on 2012. Also taking a peek into 2013 and what is in store.
id=7446644 - Jan 02, 2013
The Month of Taurus, 2013
Sharita Star
Savoring Spring's Sensations! The time is now to get rooted into the present season at hand as our first fixed organized sign of Taurus The Bull allows us to embrace a grounded energy from its' earthen presence, promising that what we plant will grow into a secure harvest in the Zodiac Month ahead. Refraining from obstinate behavior and tapping into the patient process required guarantees favorable rewards to further blossom our Spirit in Spring.,-2013
id=7643324 - Apr 16, 2013
2013 - The Day Computers Die
George Otte
Are you one of the persons concerned of what could happen in 2012? You shouldn't be, remember nothing is scientifically confirmed. But you might take a minute to think about what could happen in 2013!
id=5313016 - Nov 02, 2010
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces - Feeling Slippery - March 2013
Janet Moon
February 23rd through March 17th, 2013. When Mercury is in Pisces, he stimulates our imaginations, and emotional events can be burned into our memories. But, reality can escape us. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and rules the arts, psychic intuition, creative processes, and psychology. This Mercury retrograde may not be a good time to make any life changing decisions, but it will be an excellent time to finish up that book you were writing.
id=7519585 - Feb 22, 2013
The Month of Pisces, 2013
Sharita Star
WINTER WHISPERS WISDOM... The presence of our Sun in mutable Pisces promises that Spring is near! As our first Mercury Retrograde of 2013 will be an equal part of the Pisces picture, Winter's closing curtains could be slightly confused. Our Zodiac month has an intense flow of planetary energy swimming within The Fishes, asking the collective to develop the concentration to understand the amazing spiritual potential of mankind and what we can do to awaken from the deception of pain and darkness humanity has become addicted to.,-2013

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