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Monday, September 30, 2013

Critique Of Richard P Brennan's Book: "Heisenberg Probably Slept Here"
Bennie N Winter
In this science-physics anthology, Richard P. Brennan chronicles the lives, times, and ideas of twentieth century's Great Physicists. In preface, he commends extraordinary principals who made great contribution to Quantum Mechanics' principles: advanced reasoning from the likes of Newton, Einstein, Planck, Rutherford, Bohr, Heisenberg and Feynman.
id=6148915 - Apr 05, 2011
The Quantum Revolution
David Terr
There were two great revolutionary ideas in physics at the turn of the 20th century, relativity and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is arguably the greater of these. One third of the high-tech industry currently involves devices whose performance relies on quantum theory. Quantum mechanics has also revolutionized our understanding of atoms, molecules, chemistry, and even biology.
id=450218 - Feb 10, 2007
Quantum Uncertainty: Where's Jane?
John Prytz
Quantum physics is weird for a whole lot of reasons. One of the central reasons is that all things in the quantum realm are stated in terms of probabilities, or uncertainties, or indeterminacy. That's unlike the realm of classical physics, the realm our normal day-to-day lives are lived in. However, I use an analogy from the classical world to illustrate the realm of quantum uncertainty.
id=5338482 - Nov 07, 2010
Seven Keys to Effective Prayer
Ada Porat
If prayer is so powerful, then why does it seem like the more we pray, the worse things seem to get? Perhaps we are praying the problem rather than the solution! Effective prayer is based on the understanding that the energy underlying all of creation is a malleable essence that accurately reflects what we put out. Here are seven important keys to help you become more effective at what you put out - and receive back - in prayer.
id=261141 - Aug 04, 2006
What On Earth Is Going On Here?
Saleem Rana
A brief, ironic, comical, tragic, and superficial glance at life on earth for human beings.
id=386656 - Dec 14, 2006
Math Can Be Strange but Quantum Physics is Even Stranger - Part I
Joe Pagano
Indeed math can be strange. Especially when one delves into the upper echelons of this most mystifying discipline: multidimensional spaces, transfinite numbers, non-Euclidean geometries-you name it. But when you start reading about quantum physics and all the strange things that happen at the most microscopic of microscopic levels, then you really start to realize that math is not all that strange.
id=557276 - May 08, 2007
Can We Really Create Anything We Want? What Does Scientific Research Have to Say?
Tracy Crowe
If you're like me, you're thinking that the idea of creating anything we want sounds great; but where's the proof? Where's the science to back it up? It turns out that the latest research in quantum physics supports the idea that we have the ability to create anything we want. Now that's exciting!
id=1698542 - Nov 17, 2008
What Does the Sub-Atomic World Have to Teach Us?
Gary Gillett
What can we learn from that which we cannot see? Perhaps that anything we think is impossible is very possible at this level. The very laws of physics as we understand them, the concept of 'reality' and 'locality' are non-existent! At this level, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle really takes effect, basically stating that physical properties like position and momentum don't apply here. Light CAN be in two places at once, the multiverse really is probable, and a particle can be a wave at the same time!
id=4267803 - May 10, 2010
Quantum Physics And Thinking Differently: Part One
Jeanne Fiorini
Quantum theory has not, as a classical science, defined reality, but rather redefined what reality IS. It's as if we began tuning up the car and somewhere along the line discovered that the car isn't a car, it's a flubbermobile. It's not wonder that, eighty years after the first quantum discoveries, we find ourselves still in the chokehold of a worldview that insists upon one concrete and absolutely true reality.
id=6736615 - Dec 05, 2011
A Religious Uncertainty Principle
David A Chesney
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle shattered the comfortable belief that we live in a machine-like cosmos. So it need not surprise us that there are uncertainties in religion. This article outlines some of the uncertainties in Christianity and explains why they will always remain with us in this life.

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