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Friday, March 1, 2013

Most Popular posts of school closings
School Closings - Unexpected Opportunities
Kent R Kerr
Some parents think of school closings as their worst nightmare. They are used to the day going a certain way, and those things can get thrown out the window when the weather or some other unexpected occurrence that causes school to be closed. You may have to adjust your day and forget some of the things that you needed to get done and enjoy the extra time that you have with your kids.
id=5395479 - Nov 16, 2010
Challenges Facing Education - Teacher Absenteeism and School Closings, Part II
Janice Hypolite
Chronic teacher absenteeism is a major problem for some schools. This may have a direct effect on educating our children. Some teachers know that their schools are going to be closed or turned around and call in sick frequently.,-Part-II
id=4561484 - Jun 27, 2010
School Closings Do Not Mean A Better Education
Paul Fischer
The main rationale given for school closings are based upon the under utilization of the classrooms. My main problem with this logic is that the quality of education should be the ultimate concern, not a percentage of building utilization.
id=5077603 - Sep 22, 2010
Challenges Facing Education - Ramifications of School Closings and Charter Schools, Part IV
Janice Hypolite
When schools are closed and not turned around, the students are transferred to another school. Sometimes this involves a much longer walk to school in the morning and going home after school. The students may also have to go through hostile territory to get to school. Other problems can result.,-Part-IV
id=4573981 - Jun 29, 2010
Swine Flu School Closings
Mirian Guimaraes-Thomas
When a widespread outbreak of a contagious disease or virus occurs, sometimes governments, on the advice of their health advisors take action in closing some public institutions - schools are usually top of the list. The other scenario in not to serious outbreaks is to keep the institutions and schools open as normal, save for the exclusion of the afflicted. This latter action for obvious reasons causes far less disruption but is not without controversy!
id=2681897 - Aug 01, 2009
San Diego Schools Closing Gap in Math
Patricia Hawke
As the San Diego schools graduating class of 2007 begin their senior year, school district superintendents across San Diego County are celebrating. The San Diego County Schools announced in September that, as of the class of 2006, the gap in passing the crucial math portion of the state exit exam is nearly closed between black/Latino and white/Asian students.
id=316122 - Oct 02, 2006
Florida Teachers Lose Jobs, Schools Close - So Where's the Lottery Money?
Teri Pinney
The Florida Lottery, designed to help public education, has shown decreasing support to primary
secondary schools and increasing support to colleges. This became painfully evident as announcements to close elementary schools throughout the state were made due to the current budget crisis.,-Schools-Close---So-Wheres-the-Lottery-Money?
id=2329959 - May 11, 2009
Ohio Schools Closing the Gap for Students with Disabilities
Patricia Hawke
The Ohio Schools are redefining their Special Education program and closing the gap in the achievement of students with disabilities. The Ohio schools believe that achievement gaps are not the same as ability gaps, and the education system is responsible for ensuring that high achievement is an attainable goal for all students.
id=220921 - Jun 15, 2006
Orange County Schools - Closing The Gap
Patricia Hawke
Recent education reforms in the state of Florida have shown to be of benefit to the students in Orange County Schools. The reforms have hit their intended target - low-income minority kids.
id=620530 - Jun 25, 2007
Nursing Schools - Closing the Gap on Applicant Shortages
Karen P Williams
For the ninth consecutive year, 2009 seen nursing schools increasing its enrollments, according to the American Association of College Nursing (AACN). The boost was 3.9 percent over the previous year and nearly 40,000 qualified applicants were turned away due to resource and faculty limitations, which has been the growing trend in the past several years.

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