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Friday, March 29, 2013

Most Popular posts of Monsanto Protection Act
A Genetically Modified Food Supply - Is That What You Want?
Anthony Nunes
There are many serious issues that plague Genetically Modified (GM or GMO) foods. The world's top scientists have risked their livelihood to come out and warn us about the dangers of GM foods and how bad they are for our health as well as the environment. Unfortunately, big agriculture companies in alignment with governments are doing whatever they can to hide and ignore the dangers so that they can line their pockets with huge profits.
id=1581293 - Oct 13, 2008
Trade Secret Litigation: Why Copyright and Patent Filings Should Be on Your Radar
Darin M Klemchuk
One way to defeat a trade secret misappropriation claim is to show that it has been improperly disclosed publicly. Lawyers should consider and investigate whether a trade secret has been disclosed in a patent application or as a specimen for the deposit material in a copyright application. Both disclosures may be considered public documents destroying trade secret protection.
id=7265877 - Sep 03, 2012
The Power to Feed the World? A Tale of Sustainable Development, BioEngineering, and Citizen Activism
Jackson Kern
Even set against the standards established by today's behemoths of international trade and commerce, The Monsanto Company is a veritable giant. Since its founding in 1901, Monsanto has advanced through various embodiments, most often as a producer and purveyor of chemicals. Its many mergers and acquisitions have often dramatically altered the scope of its operations, and as the twentieth century came to a close Monsanto began a transition of its principal role from that of a chemicals company into a formidable biotechnologies operation where she remains today.,-BioEngineering,-and-Citizen-Activism
id=1049892 - Mar 16, 2008
Are You Eating Genetically Modified Foods Without Even Knowing It?
Jerry Greenfield
Do you really know what you're eating? Where were the fruits and vegetables you're feeding your family grown? How were they grown? The meats that you eat every day--were the animals injected with growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids? These are all questions that every American should be asking of their food. Do you?
id=4892924 - Aug 19, 2010
Sugar - Your Health vs Politics - Always Read the Ingredients Label - Part 1 of 2
Heinz Gisel
Here is a comprehensive and essential Sugar Survival Manual - don't ever shop without it! Great sustainable Health does not mean we have to give up Sugar and cravings for Sweets. We can enjoy Sugar with impunity - provided we chose the right kind. But this is a formidable challenge that requires careful and informed study of "Ingredients" Labels. This article provides guidance through the jungle of deceiving and fraudulent Food and Beverage declarations.
id=645674 - Jul 15, 2007
Genetically Modified Food - The Benefits and the Risks
Katt Mollar
This article explores the pros and cons of the rapidly growing business of genetically modified foods. There are many positive aspects to genetically modified foods, but proponents insist on their detrimental effects to people, plants, animals and the environment. Here we present both sides of the story leaving the reader to decide on their own.
id=2102216 - Mar 14, 2009
The Excuse to Regulate - Control Vs Freedom
Byron Richards
This week the Center for Science in the Public Interest issued a new report, "Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks." The well-documented scientific report says that all food dyes should be removed from the food supply. They are proven to cause cancer, birth defects, allergies, behavior problems, and ADHD in many children.
id=4608265 - Jul 05, 2010
The Whole Truth About Sunlight, Cancer and Sunscreens
Rebecca Jablonski
Are you being told the truth about skin cancer and sunshine? What are the REAL facts that are being hidden from you, and why?,-Cancer-and-Sunscreens
id=1300837 - Jul 04, 2008
Milk - It Does a Body Good?
Christopher Sharits
"Milk; it does a body good" is a highly orchestrated myth. While milk may have been a wholesome drink around the turn of the 20th century, draconian advances in hormones and the institutional mechanized dairy farms of today have mutated a perceived staple. The dairy products of today likely contain a wide variety of harmful contaminants that outweigh their potential benefits.
id=2654429 - Jul 23, 2009
Health Tips for Nurses to Prevent Getting Sick
Ben Lynch
Nursing is a hard profession for the body and mind. Long hours, extremes of stress, and cranky patients are just the beginning, though. Nurses are also subjected to increased exposure to radiation, chemicals, viruses, and bacteria. Find out how nurses (and everyone else too) can keep themselves healthy in spite of it all.

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