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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Most Popular posts of Good Friday 2013
Friday the 13th - Weird Facts and Stories
M. Cardos
There are numerous versions of stories and types of superstitions involved to Friday the 13th. Stories range across from pre-Christian times to Modern days; even to this day, some people suffer from serious phobia: Paraskevidekatriaphobics. Sounds incredibly strange, doesn't it?
id=5061193 - Sep 19, 2010
Astrology Forecast for March 2013 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs
Janet Moon
Astrologically, March will be coming in like a lamb and going out like a lion. Even though Mercury is in retrograde, life could be exceptionally positive over the first ten days of March, but by the time Mercury turns direct on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, there could be unexpected accidents (especially on the highways) and a general feeling of unease. The last week of March could be especially difficult with the outer and the inner planets lining up for a major battle. Take time to enjoy the last few weeks of Winter, because by the time Spring begins the challenges will be upon us once again.
id=7527902 - Feb 28, 2013
Astrology Forecast for January 2013 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs
Janet Moon
January is often thought of as a cold unproductive month. We sometimes look at it as a time of "hibernation," but this year, January 2013, could surprise us. We will have only one planet in retrograde, Jupiter, and he will be turning direct. The inner planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will be on the opposite side of the Sun, which will make viewing them a bit difficult. But, their aspects and gravitational influence will also be minor. Even the Moons will be pleasant. Mercury will be lining up behind the Sun and the Moon on the Capricorn New Moon, encouraging problem solving and new ideas. The Full Moon will be in fun loving Leo while singing with Jupiter and Uranus. January will be a good month for business and for politics. There is a possibility that our governments and our corporations will come up with new ideas and stronger values.
id=7436092 - Dec 23, 2012
How To Prepare For Food Shortages And Food Riots In 2013
Mike Kuykendall
There is growing concern that the year 2013 could usher in massive food shortages that affect the United States, with food riots actually happening within our shores. How could this possibly be? Food shortages and food riots don't just happen because there is literally no food to be had.
id=7435987 - Dec 27, 2012
Why 2013 Will Be A Year Of Food Shortages And Skyrocketing Food Prices
Mike Kuykendall
With the hottest summer on record since 1895 decimating crop yields in the United States around the world, food prices are set to rise in 2013 like never before. Matters will be made worse as inflation is fueled by the money printing that the government (actually the Federal Reserve) has been engaged in for far too long. The result is that we will have far too many dollars in the economy chasing far too few goods (specifically food items) and the result will be very high inflation.
id=7435739 - Dec 23, 2012
Astrology Forecast for February 2013 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs
Janet Moon
If you think January was nice, just wait for February. We may have one difficult weekend, and the Full Moon could bring a challenge. But, most of the month should be smooth sailing, and there could even be extra blessings. In fact, I am forecasting that Valentine's Day 2013 will be the best Valentines day we've had this century with lots of steamy romance and sex! Mars is going to be busy energizing some of the outer planets this month, and by Presidents' Day, we may find a project or situation has been transformed.
id=7480690 - Jan 25, 2013
3 Ways To Survive Riots in 2013 After The Economic Collapse
Mike Kuykendall
It's easy to see an economic collapse coming where the government will either be unable to pay the entitlement payments to the 150 million-plus Americans getting a government check, or they will have to print so much money that inflation will skyrocket and hyperinflation will take hold. Either way, there are millions of Americans who will undoubtedly take to the streets and make the Los Angeles Rodney King riots look like a picnic. Desperate people do desperate things and there will be a lot of people who have nothing left to lose when they can't afford food...
id=7455205 - Jan 10, 2013
Prophecy: 2012 and 2013 and Beyond
Andrei Vladimirovich Varlamov
The word of this prophecy is based on portions of interpretations of some dreams and visions that we mainly saw over the last three years. This prophecy contains no speculation or doctrine and everything said in this prophecy was seen in a vision(s) or a dream(s). Read about it.
id=6996652 - Apr 12, 2012
Happiness - 5 Tips to Bloom in 2013 - Blast Through the Unluckiest Year of the Century!
Bernadette Dimitrov
It was predicted that the world would end in 2013, the unluckiest year of the century. Or is it? I want to encourage you to take on 2013 and make it your happiest and best year ever with my top 5 tips to blast through the fear of 2013 and successfully reach your goals.!
id=7497348 - Feb 07, 2013
Successful Strategies for Your 2013 Job Search
Kelly A Smith
The New Year brings new hopes, challenges, goals and for many companies it brings new budgets. Budgets have been set aside to bring on new employees for the 1st quarter of 2013. Whether you are unemployed or satisfied in your current position of employment it is always important to know how to locate your next quality job quickly and efficiently.

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