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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why Did The Government Shut Down
What If The Government Shut Down and No One Noticed - It Happened in 1995 You Know
Lance Winslow
Some folks in our population have been led to believe that they need the Federal Government. The reality is you and I have so many layers of government that we really don't. Oh sure we need a strong military - which indeed was the real reason for a Federal Government - to pool the resources of the states for a common defense - but we don't need a Federal Government to tell us how to live our life or even command under threat of taxation, or penalty.
id=8036127 - Oct 01, 2013
T and Bell Merger; Can We Just Shut Down the FTC?
Lance Winslow
Remember the big break of AT
T years the prior? All the commotion about a monopoly and what do we see today? A huge merger putting more pieces back together again and what is this Humpty Dumpty syndrome?;-Can-We-Just-Shut-Down-the-FTC?
id=157171 - Mar 06, 2006
Rayburn Building in Washington DC Shuts Down Due to Gunfire
Lance Winslow
A car may have backfired in the top floor of the Rayburn Building in Washington DC or perhaps some fire crackers, but when an anonymous phone call stated that they heard gunfire; they shut down the Building. Then they locked the doors and shut down the place. But what really happened?
id=206321 - May 26, 2006
Let Us Never Forget That The Government Is On His Shoulders
Robert D Rogers
Statistics can be very dangerous things or they can be a great blessing. When we choose to report only numerical results of money and people yet fail to report that fifty percent of our marriages are ending in divorce and that we are losing our young people or that a high percentage of our ministers have committed moral failure we paint a false picture and fall into the category of why God judged "Shebna". I once asked the Lord why the end-time church could be called lukewarm, here was His answer. Any time a Church is willing to settle for inspired preaching, exciting worship, and strong tithes and offerings while it's young people are being lost, it is a lukewarm church.
id=7475155 - Jan 22, 2013
Why a Federal Government Drowning in Debt Won't Be Able to Afford the Obama Agenda
Michael Letcher
Our national debt is now $10.6 trillion - $34,640 for every living US citizen. The scariest thing is that this debt doesn't count the billions in bailouts already approved or still to come. President Elect Obama's best ideas won't happen with this staggering debt. Our future will be dictated by bond markets, not government - a future that may include a financial collapse that dwarfs the Great Depression.
id=1808925 - Dec 20, 2008
Did The Fiscal Cliff Just Become a BASE Jumping Parachuting Opportunity?
Lance Winslow
Back when I was a young man in building my business up, I think the year was 1987 or something like that, our federal government failed to produce a budget and it ran out of money, and they shut the government down for a few weeks. Do you know what happened? Nobody noticed. Okay so I'd like to talk to you a little bit about this so-called self-imposed fiscal cliff which is said to be such a big deal right now (November 2012).
id=7389117 - Nov 21, 2012
Why Did I Leave the Best MLM Health Company After 15 Years and Join Numis Network?
Lynda Marylou Smith
I believed in the company and their healthcare products and I will continue to use them the rest of my life. However, I will tell you, it is extremely difficult to build a successful Home Base Business with all the controversy that seems to be continually around it.
id=6235776 - May 03, 2011
Why Failing the Customer Service Test Could Kill Your Business and What You Can Do About It
Terri Mitchell
Customer Service is not just a cliche. It is core to the success of any business and ignoring its importance could be fatal to the longevity of your business life.
id=4524634 - Jun 21, 2010
Association of Government Accountants
Lance Winslow
The AGA or Association of Government Accountants is often featured in Government World Magazine. One of the most debated subjects of course being the implementation of Sarbanes Oxley or SOX on government agencies, the association of government accountants is concerned that there is no way it is feasible.
id=80970 - Oct 09, 2005
Understanding the Egyptian Uprising For Democracy, Report From the Ground
Ahmed Rehab
January 25 witnessed widespread street protests in Egypt. 90,000 Egyptians came out in seven main squares in Cairo while tens of thousands more came out in Alexandria, Mahalla, Suez, and several other Egyptian cities. The protests continue today in downtown Cairo as I write.,-Report-From-the-Ground

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