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Thursday, October 3, 2013

What Does Government Shutdown Mean

What Does Government Shutdown Mean
Why a Government Shutdown Is Basically A Done Deal
Jesse S. Cash
We are heading for a government shutdown. It is practically already written in stone, and the policy wonks who say otherwise are fooling themselves and the readers/listeners. While I certainly hope I am wrong, I don't believe that we will be that lucky as a nation. There are many reasons a shutdown is likely, and several reasons you need to protect yourself from its effects.
id=5987545 - Feb 23, 2011
Government Shutdown - What Should We DO About It?
Viola Bontrager
So the government shutdown has officially started. What can we, as common folks, DO about it?
id=8036745 - Oct 01, 2013
Who's to Blame For the Government Shutdown? You Are America!
Daniel Paul D'Aniello
As our government is headed towards a potential shutdown, many are pointing fingers of blame. Americans ultimately shoulder the responsibility for electing official who engage in fiscal shenanigans.!
id=8034612 - Sep 30, 2013
Yet Another Government Shutdown Threat!
Kevin Chace
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is saying that it may run out of money by the end of this week. As usual Politicians say we have no crisis, we have a crisis, then it's the democrats fault, and finally it is the two party republicans fault. So what is the truth?!
id=6586990 - Sep 26, 2011
Liberals Admit New Jersey Government Mostly Non-Essential
J.J. Jackson
I'm giving New Jersey Governor John Corzine and all the liberals in the legislature a gold star for proving two lessons about government that I have been teaching people for years. What are those lessons? Well first, that government sticks their grubby little hands in more places than they should. And second, that government after sticking their grubby little hands where they shouldn't causes needless pain and suffering. Simply, that government is far too large and intrusive to the liberties of Americans.
id=238039 - Jul 06, 2006
Can We Shut Down the Government Even If We Raise the Debt Ceiling?
Scott Spiegel
id=5667360 - Jan 05, 2011
How Does the Health Care Debate Affect the Republican's Chances in the Mid - Term Elections?
Douglas M Midgley, JD
The need for health care coverage for millions of uninsured Americans is acute, and yet implementation of The Affordable Care Act - the President's health care law found constitutional by the United States Supreme Court earlier this year - is still vehemently opposed by the Republican Party even to the point that they are considering shutting down the government to prevent its funding. Let there be no doubt about it, there is a huge political fight brewing for the upcoming mid-term congressional elections between the wealthy with health care coverage - "the haves", and those far less fortunate who have no health care coverage - "the have-nots".
id=7893827 - Jul 27, 2013
You Just Received An FCC Violation Notice - Now What?
Jonathan Kramer
Receiving an FCC Notice of Violation or Apparent Liability is not something to ignore. Doing so can cost you tens of thousands of dollars, and the loss of your license. This article provides concrete tips on what to do - and what NOT to do - right after you've received that dreaded notice.
id=1093026 - Apr 06, 2008
Thoughts on Government Regulation
the Natural Organic Whole Foods Industry
Darrell W. Ross
The natural, organic, whole foods public has some lessons to learn very soon or it will be destroyed by itself, the FDA and the drug manufacturing industry. I see the enemy (natural, organic, whole foods industry) and it is we ourselves.
id=2318722 - May 07, 2009
Economic Recovery: A Financial, Political, and Feasible Solution to the US Economic Situation
Clayton M White
This article offers a potential solution to the economic challenges facing the U.S. It is a broad strategy employing tactics that are currently being used - but are currently uncoordinated. It calls for both government-led stimulus and austerity measures but it focuses on the most important factor in turning the economy around - an increase in job creation. This is seen as the most important factor because only broad consumer spending can provide the massive impetus required to restart the economy.,-Political,-and-Feasible-Solution-to-the-US-Economic-Situation

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