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Monday, October 7, 2013


Nikola Tesla - A True Scientific Genius
Chad Royal
Nikola Tesla was successful in a number of scientific breakthroughs. In 1898 he conducted a demonstration of the world's first radio-controlled vessel. Tesla's U.S. patent number 613,809 describes the first device anywhere in the world for wireless remote control.
id=6870093 - Feb 08, 2012
The Amazing Life and Times of Nikola Tesla
Bob Gillespie
It's strange but true that a good part of modern technology is based on the inventions of a man who was deliberately "erased" from history almost 100 years ago. Nikola, Tesla was the real father of the generation of electricity in the form of alternating current. He was also responsible for numerous other related inventions, many of them still in use today.
id=6309396 - May 29, 2011
Forgotten Genius - Nikola Tesla
Lindsey Williams
With all due respect for Thomas A. Edison, Nikola Tesla was an equal, if not greater, American inventor. Edison is highly lauded. Tesla is nearly forgotten.
id=182634 - Apr 20, 2006
Nicola Tesla - Forgotten Genius
Andy R Hunt
Tesla was obsessed with the idea of providing the world with free energy and went to work perfecting the generation of electrical power without the use of fuels, solar or wind. He would pull the electrical power out of "the vacuum". He would also demonstrate the transmission of electric power without wires.
id=1618836 - Oct 25, 2008
Nikola Tesla Free Energy - Free Energy Generator Plans: The Secret Blueprints of Nikola Tesla
Christopher Yensh
When hearing about the Nikola Tesla free energy generator, it would be fair to ask if it is true that free energy generators exist. I would like to tell you about what happened to me recently and you can make up your own mind.
id=6663290 - Nov 01, 2011
Who Was Nikola Tesla?
Wally Jukes
You may think that Edison was the inventor of Electricity, however he only invented Direct Current. Another man by the Name of Nikola Tesla invented the Alternating Current you use every day. Who was Nikola Tesla and why have I never heard of him.
id=158653 - Mar 08, 2006
Nicolas Tesla - Genius Scientist Was Ahead Of His Time
David Anchel Senis
It could be easily and accurately stated that Nicolas Tesla was an ambitious young man, and early on, it was clear that his talents and knowledge were well above average. Arriving in the US in 1884, Nicolas Tesla truly began his education in the work that would etch his name in the book of fame and perhaps a bit of infamy.
id=6731701 - Dec 02, 2011
Tesla's Oscillator Or "Earthquake Machine"
Rami Steitieh
Tesla's oscillator or "Earthquake machine" is a mechanical oscillator that was invented by Nikola Tesla in the year of 1898. the original oscillator that Tesla designed and tested was small , almost seven inches long , and it weighed about one or two pounds.
id=2118695 - Mar 19, 2009
Nikola Tesla - The Mad Scientist of the 19th Century
Will Yap
If you were to mention the name Nikola Tesla, the picture of a mad scientist will pop into my mind. Tesla is a real genius of the early 19th century but not a lot of people know about him.
id=5355471 - Nov 10, 2010
How Does a Tesla Coil Work
Robert Benjamin
One time when I was a young boy I saw a documentary on TV, that happened to show a large tesla coil in operation at some college, from that moment on the Tesla Coil bug had bitten me. I knew someday I would have to own one of these wonderful devices. The loud noise, the powerful arcs of flowing electric was completely amazing.

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