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Monday, October 7, 2013


About Scandals
Irsan Komarga
It is admitted that scandals play a significant role in the society. These scandals often attract public's attention on some evil issues, which, of course, call on heated attention and soon become the topic of people's daily life.
id=3745717 - Feb 11, 2010
Calcio - A History of Corruption and Scandal
Paul Gore
Italy, a country associated with fine wine, exquisite cuisine, beautiful women, and above all Calcio. The Italians are very passionate when it comes to the latter, but unfortunately their beloved game has a stark history of corruption, and scandal.
id=606231 - Jun 14, 2007
Women in Power: Where Are the Scandals?
Nancy Travers
Political scandals with racy details and sexual deviance aren't a new topic these days. There is, however, a very noticeable trend in these political sex scandals: Most of them involve a man in power, not a woman. This begs the question: Does power affect everyone's behavior?
id=6579229 - Sep 22, 2011
Poker Scandal
Nick Pateman
Poker scandals are now becoming an annual event. Should poker players be worried about having their money stolen by a few hackers? This article goes into previous poker scandals and leaves you with a decision to make about the seriousness of them.
id=1285324 - Jun 29, 2008
Anthony Weiner Twitter Scandal - 3 Reasons Why Honesty Is the Best Policy
Robert Bryan Anthony
I believe that plenty of mainstream Americans are so enamored by these types of "sex scandals." But, why? I believe they follow the details - galore - because they are more interested in another person's dysfunctional lifestyle...providing them a "break" from their own drama and pain.
id=6337221 - Jun 08, 2011
Should the Pennsylvania Lottery Scandal Scare You Away From Spending Money on Lotto Tickets?
Tino Sundin
Some people don't buy lotto tickets because they think that the games are fixed. They point to a prominent example to prove their point - The Pennsylvania lottery scandal.
id=3961229 - Mar 19, 2010
What's The Point Of Celebrity Scandals?
Shaun Sugar
Celebrity scandals seem to happen all the time, and they always seem to have huge implications on the celebrity's life. What's the point of these scandals though? Does the rest of the world really need to know what's going on in the lives of famous people?
id=7519174 - Feb 22, 2013
ABC's Scandal - Art Imitating Life?
Daniel Paul D'Aniello
A sizzling article that discusses the eerie similarities between ABC television's Scandal and the current political scandals surrounding the Obama Administration. Is art imitating life?
id=7755267 - May 31, 2013
The Most Embarrassing Sport Scandals
Victoria Blitzer
Famous sports figures, just like any other famous person, can have their entire career marred or even ruined with a scandal. Although sport scandals do not usually become part of team legend, they do usually become major headline news. A few of the most embarrassing sport scandals devastated the careers of these big sports figures.
id=4819096 - Aug 07, 2010
Scandal-Lessons From The Season Finale Of Scandal For Internet Marketers
Alicia R Hill
The season finale of the television show, Scandal, left it's viewers with many personal development nuggets that can be directly translated to your business for personal and business development. And you do want to translate things that show up in your life everyday into material that can improve yourself and your business, don't you? Now here are just a few ways you can start doing effective video marketing right away that'll help you get comfortable on camera.

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