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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

repo rate
Reserve Bank Of India Uses Repo Rate to Curb Inflation
Mohan Plakkot
India has moved form a slow moving economy in the 1980s and early 1990s to a fast growing global powerhouse. However, growth bring along problems of inflation and price control that can eventually create a huge disparity between the rich and the poor. India also has a large middle class that is increasing its discretionary spending favoring higher inflation. The RBI with its tools such as repo rate, cash reserve policies and other monetary polices have a tough job ahead.
id=6297202 - May 24, 2011
Do Policy Rates Really Matter Right Now?
Rajiv Shastri
Interest rates are typically of two types. Ones which are decided by Regulators such as the RBI are called Policy Rates. In India at the moment, the RBI uses the Repo and Reverse Repo at Policy Rates.
id=4003343 - Mar 26, 2010
Some Pro's and Con's About Repo Car Auctions
Andrew Pier
If you never been to used car auto auction before this will give you some insight on what to expect at a live auction; also, why we have auctions and what to look for when buying a car their. This article will give some interesting tips about repossessed cars from banks and why they send them to an auction.
id=1332221 - Jul 16, 2008
Auto Makers Ramp Up Production - Repo Men Start Their Engines
Lance Winslow
The other day, I went to a big event in a nearby city. One of the sponsors was a local car dealership. As I walked by the booth where all those new cars were displayed, a very beautiful woman (probably a paid model) asked me; "What do you think of our newest models," at first I had half a notion to say; "I think you are a babe," but alas, I knew damn well she was talking about the cars.
id=7948779 - Aug 21, 2013
Conditions That Influence the Interest Rate Movements
Dipesh Majumder
A loan to purchase or build a house is available at around the 10 percent level. It used to be around seven percent a couple of years ago. Also, the interest rates remained quite volatile over the last few quarters. However, this is a cyclical phenomenon. Over long loan tenure, it will move upwards and downwards. The average rate and tax incentive together add up to make it good for the borrower. An interest rate is the amount received in relation to an amount loaned, generally expressed as a ratio of dollars (internationally) received per hundred dollars lent.
id=1754717 - Dec 03, 2008
RBI Lifts Key Rates One More Time to Tame Inflation
Anjali K Shukla
In line with expectations, Central bank Governor D. Subbarao raised interest rates - for the fifth time this year - amidst concerns of increasing inflationary pressure led by strengthening economy. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) raised the repurchase rate to 6% from 5.75% and the reverse repurchase rate to 5% from 4.5%. Citing inflation as a dominant concern, RBI's mid-quarter Monetary Policy Review stated that "both the old and the new series, however, indicate similar broad trend of inflation." Harping on the growth, the RBI reiterated that virtually all leading indicators of service sector activity point to sustained growth and that agriculture output is set to expand at a record pace this year.
id=5149906 - Oct 05, 2010
Mortgage Rates
Marius Bezuidenhout
The mortgage market is an extremely competitive one, one of the most ground breaking and competitive in the world. In the UK the state keeps out of the market completely, and almost all loans are financed by building societies, credit unions or property lenders such as banks.
id=370831 - Nov 28, 2006
Types of Mortgage Rates
Marius Bezuidenhout
Almost all commercial mortgage loans in the United Kingdom are financed by building societies, credit unions or banks. In effect the state keeps its hands off the property market, resulting in an increase of competition between mortgage companies and the evolution of one of the worlds most innovative mortgage markets. This is of course to the benefit of prospective home buyers in the UK.
id=389802 - Dec 18, 2006
Interest Rates and Housing Market
Richard Pettinger
Interest rates are the effective cost of borrowing money. This article looks at how interest rates affect the Housing Market and also how changes in the Housing market can affect interest rate changes
id=623870 - Jun 27, 2007
Mortgage Rates - Why Mortgage Rates Fluctuate
Brigitta Schwulst
Mortgage rates are the rates at which the banks lend money to their customers to buy houses and property. They determine their rates based on the rate at which they are able to lend money - mainly from the reserve bank.

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