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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize
2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner - President Barack Obama, Was it in His Stars?
Marilyn Muir
An astounding thing happened on Friday morning October 9, 2009. President and Mrs. Obama were awakened before dawn with the news that the President had won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. A very surprised president accepted the award, said he was humbled by the honor and by the august body of past winners. Instant political controversy brewed. Four U.S. presidents and one vice-president have received the Nobel Peace Prize, an amazing honor for these men and for their country. What can we see from the presidents individual charts to indicate such honor and what might the four have in common in their charts?,-Was-it-in-His-Stars?
id=3183393 - Oct 30, 2009
Nobel Peace Prize and Utopia
Espen F. Jansen
Norway has created a little utopia, and President Obama wants to capture a little piece of it for the rest of the world. The Nobel Peace prize, as instructed by Alfred Nobel, is determined by a 5 member committee appointed by Norway's parliament. And although Obama's nomination was controversial, it is justified.
id=3678158 - Feb 01, 2010
The United States Military Needs to Invade Norway in order to be Awarded a Nobel Peace Prize
Jason Hastings
A tongue in cheek look at the Nobel Peace Prize
id=103960 - Nov 28, 2005
President Obama Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize?
Lance Winslow
It appears that President Barrack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, and although, this to me sounds a little bit contrived and suspicious, I'd say he does deserve it more than Al Gore who basically sponsored a Doom and Gloom Global Warming Docu-Drama. After all, President Obama's speech in Egypt was decent and captivating to a good many people, but I think it is way too pre-mature for Nobel to award our young President such a prize, and indeed, it may come back to haunt the Nobel Peace Prize Committee one day.
id=3061262 - Oct 09, 2009
Chinese Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
Emer Lavin
A Chinese man named Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 8 October 2010. He was jailed for 11 years in December 2010 for writing a political manifesto called "Chapter 8" which calls for democracy in China.
id=5237713 - Oct 20, 2010
Insight on Dr Martin Luther King Jr Being Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Todd Hicks
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an extraordinary man who accomplished an infinite amount of good. He is the person whom I admire more than anyone else on the planet. He won the Nobel Peace prize in 1964. By reading this article, you should receive an outstanding insight on why he won this coveted prize.
id=2547926 - Jun 30, 2009
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Makes the Kind of Difference All of Us Can Be Part Of
Steve Singleton
Nobel Peace Prize this year made a surprising but heart-warning choice in Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank. His example challenges the rest of us to not to think our world's problems are irresolvable and even unaddressable. We can make a difference where we are with what we have. This proactive stance goes all the way back to the Friend of Tax Collectors and Sinners. Can we accept the 2000-year-old challenge to invest in the people around us every day?
id=327860 - Oct 14, 2006
Did Obama Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?
John T Jones, Ph.D.
President Obama was surprised that he was being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Republican party blamed Obama, not the Prize Committee saying that he has not done one thing to receive the award. Some say that it was just a slam at George Bush who was President just a few months a go.
id=3063102 - Oct 09, 2009
Why Won't Nobel Peace Prize Winner President Barack Obama Visit His Own War
Lance Winslow
President Obama has yet to go visit his own war, and he needs to do this to earn the respect of the American People. Afghanistan is now Barrack Obama's war, and thus, he ought to go there and see it for himself, meet the soldiers he puts into harms-way, and greet the President of that Country, which he continues to support. The President ought to announce his meeting and visit, and prove he can travel safely in the country and that the US forces have everything under control.
id=3198927 - Nov 03, 2009
Barack Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize
Russell Longcore
The Nobel Peace Prize continues its tradition of being a completely meaningless award with no basis in reality. Here are some of the more "interesting" past award winners:

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