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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

H1n1 Singapore

H1n1 Singapore
Prevent H1N1
Eugene Goh
It is happening. People around the world are getting paranoid of the term "H1N1". Is it something that is less serious or more serious than SARS, the outbreak that killed many in Asia in 2003?
id=2294877 - May 02, 2009
H1N1 Swine Flu and Your Cash Flow
Jeff Brodie
Could the H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic cripple your cash flow? Think of the consequences of no access to your office and ability to make money could be slowed down to a trickle if your building was quarantined or many or your employees were quarantined in their own homes for any length of time.
id=3151952 - Oct 25, 2009
How to Differentiate Swine Flu Or Pig Flu From the Common Flu?
Matthew Lai
The Human Swine H1N1 Type A influenza (also called swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) epidemic worldwide and confirmed across the globe. Seems it is not easy to avoid it. Once if you got flu symptoms, how can you know you got affected Swine flu or not?
id=2508637 - Jun 22, 2009
Who is Making the Swine Flu Vaccine?
Steve Martins
This report shows which companies are making the swine flu vaccine. Furthermore, it informs you of the major contracts they have with various Government's.
id=3270079 - Nov 15, 2009
Vaccination in Children - The Optional Vaccines
Dr Ang Corey Damien
As soon as our children are born into this world, they receive what may seem like an endless number of vaccinations. There are those which are part of the National Immunization Schedule, which all children should receive.
id=3685019 - Feb 02, 2010
Flu Histories
Omar Khayyam Macadato
The historical background of infectious virus notes from different place and time, to take note is the flu virus. The flu virus is one of the ever evolving virus that cost too much devastation through different time lines. The disease itself has attacked enormous numbers of both human and animal lives. The disease, known to all for its destructiveness, yet its past is unknown to some.
id=5209907 - Oct 18, 2010
Seven Days in Tibet
Dr Uwe H Kaufmann
Together with our friends Frank and Mila and a mixed group from Singapore and Indonesia Amy and I spent our "vacation" in Tibet from 27 May to 02 June 2009. A great experience that we probably only make once. Why this adventure? For a long time the "Roof of the World" was one of my dream destinations. Unfortunately, I did not know that this would be less a vacation, but rather an adventure with some quite tough encounters.
id=5908049 - Feb 12, 2011
The Medical Characteristics of the Orthomyxovirus (Influenza) Family
Funom Makama
The name myxovirus was originally applied to influenza viruses. It meant virus with an affinity for mucins. Now there are 2 main groups-the orthomyxoviruses and the paramyxoviruses. All orthomyxoviruses are influenza viruses, isolated strains are named after the virus type (A, B, C), the host and location of initial isolation, the year of isolation and the antigenic designation of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Eleven hemagglutinin antigenic subtypes and 8 neuramidase antigenic subtypes are designated.
id=4816114 - Aug 06, 2010
Chiropractic is Not a Pill, Instead a Way to Fight Sickness by Enhancing Life!
Theo Kieu
Most people view Chiropractic as just a way to help with your aches and pain. However the benefits of Chiropractic is so much more. Read this article if you really want to find out how to empower your own body to fight disease.,-Instead-a-Way-to-Fight-Sickness-by-Enhancing-Life!
id=2334481 - May 12, 2009
Travel Insurance and Swine Flu - Are You Afraid to Travel?
Jean Andrews
Are you afraid to travel because of the fear of catching swine flu? There are valid concerns to be considered, but if you take sensible precautions there is no reason why you should stop enjoying your overseas travel and holidays...

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