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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Google in 1998
Google Caffeine and the New Ranking Factors
Titus Hoskins
Google Caffeine is coming soon to a computer near you! How will your site and keywords fare in this "Next Generation" search engine? More importantly, what ranking factors may play a role in achieving top rankings in Google's new index?
id=3345237 - Nov 29, 2009
Google Pagerank Algorithm Explained
Suto Cu
Google uses the PageRank algorithm to rank pages in their search engine results. The algorithm is based on analysing link structures: each link can be seen as a vote by a page for another page it links to. It is necessary to have a basic understanding of how PageRank works to be able to optimize web sites for the Google search engine.
id=708896 - Aug 29, 2007
How Google Took Over the World
Frank Enzo
Once upon a time, Yahoo dominated the Internet. The services they provided were attractive and often free. Many smaller search engines as well, used Yahoo to return their search results. Although the future seemed bright, one critical mistake opened the door for a newcomer named Google to challenge its position.
id=3075884 - Oct 12, 2009
Is Google Dead?
Sharon R Boggs
Since the introduction of Google in 1998, it has progressively become the world's most popular search engine. Processing over one billion requests and twenty petabytes of data every day, the word has even worked its way into everyday usage and been awarded entries into various English dictionaries.
id=4785319 - Aug 02, 2010
The Google Phenomenon: Greatest Hits Collection
Dean Phillips
As my readers know, I've been one of Google's harshest critics. However, I'm also a firm believer that it's okay to criticize, as long as it's justifiable and fairly balanced with deserved praise. H...
id=20383 - Mar 11, 2005
Google Vs Yahoo - A Comparative Analysis
Thomas OKeefe
As the search engine wars heat up between Yahoo and Google it's very interesting to note the similarities and differences between the two. Both companies are based in Silicon Valley California with only 5 miles separating the two of them. Google has approximately 3,021 employees where Yahoo employs 7,600.
id=71826 - Sep 15, 2005
Search Engine History - How Google Came to Dominate
David Viney
In the final of three articles on search engine history, SEO Expert David Viney looks at the emergence of Google and how the biggest of all the modern search engines came to dominate the market. So how did Google get from a market share of less than 1% in 1999 to almost 80% today? What is so special about Google and how has it come to dominate the scene?
id=823264 - Nov 08, 2007
Google: 100 Billion Dollars Strong
Matthew Keegan
From a one million dollar start up to a 100 billion dollar corporation, Google's growth has astounded the world. Can they keep it up? So far, so good.
id=86917 - Oct 26, 2005
Google - A History
Will Hanke
The program was first developed as a new search utility for the Stanford Digital Library Project, and the goal was to make a single, integrated and universal digital library for the students of the university. Page and Brin received a large amount of funding for this project from the National Science Foundation and the rest is history.
id=3588910 - Jan 16, 2010
Google - A Bit of History
Halstatt Pires
The first question most people have is, "What the heck is a "Google?" It is a play on the word "googol," which is the mathematical figure 1 followed by 100 zeros. Depending on the level of your love for math, this is either the greatest or lamest name for a search engine. Regardless, the clever kids at Google have turned it into a cultural standard.

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