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Thursday, October 3, 2013

FOX News

FOX News
Deliver Us From Evil, Let Freedom Ring - Sean Hannity
Bill O'Reilly Fox News Battle for Supremacy
Paul Davis
Deliver us from the evil of media trickery, shock jock chicanery, half-truths, and falsity. Let freedom ring again in our country. Let not TV talk show hosts merely battle for originality and supremacy, but let them again wholeheartedly serve America patriotically.,-Let-Freedom-Ring---Sean-Hannity-and-Bill-OReilly-Fox-News-Battle-for-Supremacy
id=1064675 - Mar 24, 2008
Obama - Don't Use My Tax Dollars to Bash Fox News
Dee Bauer
Fox News coming under fire by Obama's administration.. and even the President himself, isn't new. The White House is certainly entitled to their opinions, and last I checked, we still have free speech in America. But did you know that the White House is using your tax dollars to operate an anti-Fox News website?
id=3098124 - Oct 15, 2009
Just an Observation - MSNBC Has More True Conservatives Than Fox News
Robert Herriman
I know this will sound like blasphemy to "conservative" or Republicans everywhere, but after a closer look, liberal bastion cable network MSNBC has more true conservative commentators on the payroll than that home for neoconservative thought, Fox News. You may be saying, you are out of your mind, there is no way this company which is owned by General Electric, a company totally in bed with liberal politicians, the home of liberal shills like Matthews and Olbermann, could possibly employ more real conservatives than Fox.
id=3839167 - Feb 27, 2010
How the Tea Party Began 4 - From Fox News to George W
Dave Shreve
Fox News did not need the Internet for its climb to prominence, although the Internet was useful in some ways. Having a website allowed Fox to present a continual presence to Joe Citizen. He could go there to get additional news information and to reinforce what he had already seen broadcast.
id=6110497 - Mar 24, 2011
Why is Fox News Ratings Slipping?
Lance Winslow
Have you considered why lately that FOX News has had their ratings slipping? Well if you will consider that their news segments re-run too much and therefore you only need to watch it for 15-minutes and you got all the news with a conservative slant for the day.
id=229351 - Jun 26, 2006
Juan Williams, Fox News, NPR, and a PR Disaster
Anthony Mora
Whether you agree or disagree with NPR's dismissal of Juan Williams, how they dismissed him has all of the makings of a public relations disaster, and one that could have been avoided. In this case it's how and not the what that is the issue. This media perfect storm could not have worked better if Fox's Roger Ailes had staged it himself. There's a thought.,-Fox-News,-NPR,-and-a-PR-Disaster
id=5272867 - Oct 26, 2010
The Obama Administration Attempts to Sabotage Fox News
Nancy Kelsey Smith
The current administrations' attempt to ostracize Fox News Network crossed the line. Thankfully, the major networks rejected this attempt to limit free speech and stood together in unison.
id=3163807 - Oct 27, 2009
Fox News 59 Report on Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss Supplement
Gabriel Hudson
While there's certainly nothing wrong with keeping in touch to the outside world via outlets such as the nightly news, it is sometimes just the headlines that make it into our living rooms and unfortunately, it's not always the entire story. Such was the case with Hoodia Gordonii story that Fox News 59 ran regarding the number of dietary supplements that are emerging claiming to have this rare ingredient, Hoodia Gordonii, in them that will help you lose weight quickly and safely. While accurate, the media does sometimes gloss over certain facts in order to bring you all ...
id=2067041 - Mar 05, 2009
Is Obama Really a "Big Chicken" to Go on Fox News?
Lance Winslow
It is often quite humorous to listen to the political news in the evenings, all the rhetoric, half-truths, gotcha's, and controversy along with all the sound and fury gets to be a bit much at times. Americans just love to comment about stuff, and if we cannot complain, frazzle the opposition, or make fun of something, we are simply not having fun yet. About the funniest thing I've heard is Fox News ranting and raving that President Obama is afraid to sit down and debate health care reform on their news station.
id=2492406 - Jun 18, 2009
Read this Article if You Like The Fox News Channel
Lance Winslow
Are you one of the many viewers of the number one Fox News Channel, which boasts to be the leader in network news? Your best source for fair and balanced coverage with many celebrity news commentators weaving the stories with flashy 5-7 segments of mankind's greatest controversies of our time?

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