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Monday, October 7, 2013

Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple: Misery Loves Her Company
Nancy McDonald
For me, Fiona Apple is a rare talent. I find that most artists or bands strike gold with their first albums and then sort of fall flat for the next few. I find that with Apple, however, I like each new album a little more than the last. She can be feisty, heartbroken, in love, definitely not in love, bitter and sentimental all in one album. She has released three studio albums: Tidal, When the Pawn... , and Extraordinary Machine. Her fourth studio album, The Idler Wheel is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do (yep, that's the complete title) will be released on June 19, 2012.
id=7116787 - Jun 12, 2012
Fiona Apple Idler Wheel
Michael Wense
After a seven year absence from the music spotlight, Fiona Apple returns with a collection of all-new songs to engage listeners with all the emotions Apple knows so well. Listeners coming from her previous album Extraordinary Machine might be in for a bit of a tough transitional period. While Extraordinary Machine did have songs of varying tempos, The Idler Wheel consists mostly of slower, moodier tracks.
id=7220106 - Aug 07, 2012
Fiona Apple in Concert; She Does it All
Lance Winslow
Fiona Apple in concert is a must see. Fiona grew up with entertainer parents and she has incredible talent indeed. She can play the piano like no other and her array of musical skills is unparalleled. She can put on a show of raw emotion in concert and light up a crowd like there is no tomorrow.;-She-Does-it-All
id=261810 - Aug 06, 2006
Music Scene Up and Comers Jen
Abby's First Single Destroys The Competition
Danielle Turchiano
Now, I must preface this by admitting my knowledge of the music industry is not nearly on par with my knowledge of crappy reality television: it is shaky and limited at best (and mostly reserved for hip-hop and Guitar Hero). Needless to say, it is rare that an album, or more simply a song will inspire me to put pen to paper and wax poetically, so on the odd occasion it does, that group is most definitely one of whom to take note. Indie rockers Jen
Abby managed to capture my attention and turn me into a fan with...
id=1059207 - Mar 20, 2008
Keep Sales Up in Looming Storm - Prepare As Economy Slows
Fiona Walsh
The headlines are screaming about a recession in the US. And recently economic forecasters in Canada have uttered the "R" word in their predictions for the upcoming year. The doom and gloom from the financial pages have spilled over to the news pages as the rot of the subprime mortgage fiasco in the US spreads.
id=1983692 - Feb 11, 2009
Making Money Online - Keywords are the Key to Your Success
Star Smith
Every time you create content for your website, blog or article, you'll need to consider what keywords to use. Keywords are essential to driving targeted traffic to your pages so that people can see what it is you are offering.
id=1005452 - Feb 24, 2008
Here Come the Questions
Cynthia Cavalenes
Why is it that even though I am not positive if I like a guy, because of course it's only been a week, that when he doesn't call for 3 days it becomes a dramatic incident, and all of a sudden its Fiona Apple time?
id=12683 - Feb 02, 2005
Body Jewelry and Today's Stars
Sam Serio
Body jewelry and body piercing practices have been observed by various groups of people all over the world throughout the centuries. For some tribes it is a rite of passage, for others it is an indicator of social status. For many, body jewelry is used to enhance personal beauty and as devices to rise above the rest of the pack.
id=53304 - Jul 22, 2005
Listen While You Work
Lance Winslow
When you are writing articles do you listen while you work to the radio or and iPod? Many people like to listen to music while they work and some studies have shown that this can increase productivity. Other studies have shown that listening to music while you work will be too distracting for some. As an online article author I have noticed something interesting.
id=261581 - Aug 05, 2006
Numerology's Life Path (1); the Path of the Leader
Keith Abbott
People whose birthday numbers reduce to (1) are on Numerology's Path of the Leader. Learn about their talents, abilities, and problems; and see which famous people are on this Life Path.;-the-Path-of-the-Leader

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