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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Federal government shutdown
Supporters of Big Government Should Fear the Government Shutdown
Daniel Paul D'Aniello
The media is hysterically reporting on the government shutdown. The author discusses who should really fear the impacts of the partial and temporary government shutdown: supporters of big government.
id=8038993 - Oct 02, 2013
Who's to Blame For the Government Shutdown? You Are America!
Daniel Paul D'Aniello
As our government is headed towards a potential shutdown, many are pointing fingers of blame. Americans ultimately shoulder the responsibility for electing official who engage in fiscal shenanigans.!
id=8034612 - Sep 30, 2013
Yet Another Government Shutdown Threat!
Kevin Chace
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is saying that it may run out of money by the end of this week. As usual Politicians say we have no crisis, we have a crisis, then it's the democrats fault, and finally it is the two party republicans fault. So what is the truth?!
id=6586990 - Sep 26, 2011
Only Essential Federal Government Employees Need to Report to Work On Friday April 7, 2011
Lance Winslow
During this 'just made for media' political debate on the Federal Budget and spending allocations the rhetoric is getting a little bit too thick to swallow. President Obama warns us (using the fear-factor to his advantage) that if the Federal Government shuts down for even a week that it will have serious implications for our economic recovery - "dire implications" in fact were some of his words. That is an interesting created reality for the mass media, but the implications wouldn't be a bad thing, they'd be a good thing, namely saving $10s of billions of dollars.,-2011
id=6154221 - Apr 06, 2011
Hurricane Sandy Has Shut Down State and Federal Governments - A Lot Of Help They Are?
Lance Winslow
It amazes me how much that people believe their government will protect them. Our government hasn't done very well at protecting the American people. They failed to prevent 9/11 from happening, and our borders are leaking as drugs, coyotes, and who knows, probably terrorist cells have infiltrated as well. The government cannot stop a wild fire; they cannot stop a Hurricane or an Earthquake and certainly not a Tsunami. In fact, sometimes I think the Federal Government causes more problems, than they do helping anyone. Let's talk.
id=7354786 - Oct 29, 2012
The Federal Government Needs to Be Downsized
Richard Billies
The Federal Government is growing in size and cost. Its use of our resources is squeezing private industry out of the borrowing market. It needs to be downsized and here are several suggestions.
id=6546145 - Sep 07, 2011
First Rule of Good Governance: Never Negotiate With Democrats
Scott Spiegel
On Saturday President Obama magnanimously announced that he was willing to support cutting $33 billion from 2010 federal spending levels for 2011-which, for the mathematically challenged, is about 1% of infinity. Congressional Democrats screamed that these cuts were way too large. Republicans countered that the cuts didn't go far enough and should be extended to $61 billion, which amounts to about 2% of infinity.
id=6153556 - Apr 06, 2011
The Looming Government Shutdown
Darren Hamels
Congress has until midnight on March 5 to come up with some sort of continuing resolution to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year. If this does not happen, the federal government will shut down. This means that public employees stop working and get no pay.
id=5977975 - Feb 22, 2011
Do Federal Agencies Have Shut Down Plans In Case of Public Union Strikes - They Need One
Lance Winslow
Do you remember when Ronald Reagan was president? The Federal Aviation Administration employees walked out on their jobs. He told them not to walk out or they'd all be fired, and they called his bluff. He therefore fired them all the next day. People were stunned, but they shouldn't be because Ronald Reagan was a man of his word, and he told them in advance what would happen. Nevertheless, the Democrats and the union wanted to test him, to make it look like a fool, and show him that he wasn't in control, rather the government public unions were.
id=7373879 - Nov 09, 2012
What If The Government Shut Down and No One Noticed - It Happened in 1995 You Know
Lance Winslow
Some folks in our population have been led to believe that they need the Federal Government. The reality is you and I have so many layers of government that we really don't. Oh sure we need a strong military - which indeed was the real reason for a Federal Government - to pool the resources of the states for a common defense - but we don't need a Federal Government to tell us how to live our life or even command under threat of taxation, or penalty.

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