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Thursday, October 3, 2013


Atlanta's CNN Center
Debbi Wells
CNN has been one of the world's best known sources for news for over three decades. Its global headquarters is located in downtown Atlanta. Visitors to the area may enjoy one of the behind the scenes tours that CNN offers.
id=6124012 - Mar 28, 2011
CNN Cable Television's News Central
Archie Harris
The history of CNN is long and varied. As a cable TV pioneer, CNN has revolutionized how news is covered and delivered to homes. The channel still continues to take the lead as streaming news across the web to mobile devices becomes a prominent delivery channel.
id=6783208 - Dec 28, 2011
CNN Censors Journalist - They Say Video Is Too Graphic to Be Seen by the American People
Elizabeth Swales
Reportedly, former CNN Iraq correspondent Michael Ware claims to have witnessed what he describes as a small-scale "war crime" perpetrated by U.S. Soldiers while in Iraq - the incident has never been seen or investigated by U.S. Authorities. He claims that in 2007 he was filming amongst U.S. Soldiers in a village in Iraq that was under the control of al-Qaeda militants. Ware alleges that there was a teenage boy in the street - armed with a weapon for protection. He goes on to say that at some point, the boy merely approached the house that they were occupying when U.S. Soldiers callously put a bullet into the back of the boys head.
id=5066830 - Sep 20, 2010
CNN Anchor Offers Excellent Advice About Speaking
Bill Lampton, Ph.D.
Do the broadcasters we see on network television remember their most embarrassing early moments before the camera? They certainly do, and recently nine of them described their worst bloopers. Anchor Brooke Baldwin recounted her "deer in the headlights" event, and then uses the lesson learned, to advise CNN's iReporters. What she recommended for them will help everyone who speaks to audiences.
id=6586790 - Sep 26, 2011
Rick Sanchez and CNN's Kingdom of Nay
Gene Lalor
Sanchez' comments about discrimination in general, about bias against women and Hispanics in particular, and concerning Comedy Central's "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart whom he called a bigot, probably wouldn't have gotten him canned since there's a provable element of truth in such accusations. What got him bunches of free time to plug his new book, Conventional Idiocy, Why the New America Is Sick of Old Politics, was not just touching but grabbing onto the third rail with his intimations that Jews controlled the media and with such statements as, "I can't see somebody not getting a job somewhere because they're Jewish."
id=5139509 - Oct 03, 2010
CNN Ratings Skyrocket Due to the Hezbollah-Israeli War
Lance Winslow
As if things were not bad enough for the FOX News Network now due to the Israeli-Hezbollah war being fought in Southern Lebanon CNN has its ratings soaring like never before. CNN ratings are up nearly 400% since the fighting began 25 days before. It appears that the Arms Trade Business Industry is not the only industry, which makes big bucks off of the tragedy of war as humans slaughter their own kind?
id=257079 - Jul 31, 2006
GOP Debate South Carolina: Gingrinch Nails CNN Moderator and News Media, Romney Stalls Tax Return
Joseph David Shiver
I'm sure the News Media had no idea what to expect last night when for the first question of the South Carolina Debate last night, John King asked Newt Gingrich to comment on his second wife's allegations (which aired on ABC on Wednesday, the night before) that Newt wanted their marriage to be 'open' so he could have a relationship with who is now his now third wife. Newt's response was as some put it Nuclear on steroids.,-Romney-Stalls-Tax-Return
id=6834484 - Jan 23, 2012
CNN Risking Reporters Lives and Their Heads Again
Lance Winslow
Some say that Hezbollah is looking to capture and abduct a CNN reporter as a hostage. This should come as no surprise to anyone since the Lebanese president will soon be meeting with Condoleezza Rice.
id=250453 - Jul 23, 2006
Sub-Prime Markets, The Environment, CNN's "Planet in Peril"
Philip Harris
Humanity should take a lesson from economics. Interrelationships exist in all aspects of life and we need to see that events like the mortgage crisis can offer us lessons about climate change.,-The-Environment,-CNNs-Planet-in-Peril
id=805221 - Oct 28, 2007
Which is the Best International TV Network - Al Jazeera, BBC, CNBC World, Or CNN International?
Lance Winslow
If you are well-traveled, both domestically and abroad, then you have a pretty good handle on the way people live in many parts of the world. You also know that is very unsafe to drink the water in many countries, and you are pretty aware of how you better be on your best behavior in certain places, and keep a watchful eye of your belongings, and your surroundings.,-BBC,-CNBC-World,-Or-CNN-International?

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