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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness
Breast Cancer Awareness - Is It Working? Is There Any Real Point to Breast Cancer Awareness?
Richard J Reyes
Breast cancer awareness programmes are everywhere but are they working and if they are working, do we need them anymore? This article explains why breast cancer awareness programmes might be self-limiting.
id=6509365 - Aug 21, 2011
Breast Cancer Awareness Merchandise
Binh Hanh Thai Nguyen
Every year, more than 200,000 women of all ages worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer. However if diagnosed at an early stage, the disease isn't as life threatening as it would have been otherwise and the patients have a much higher chance of recovery. Researchers in the field of medicine are constantly developing new and improved ways to fight the disease by detecting it earlier and curing it.
id=7284341 - Sep 14, 2012
Haven't You Got Your Breast Cancer Awareness Bracelet Yet?
Shannan Barrett
Breast cancer will kill 43,300 women in America this year. It's time to spread awareness of the disease by wearing breast cancer awareness bracelets.
id=71890 - Sep 15, 2005
Discover How Breast Cancer Awareness Can Benefit You
Jon Arnold
Breast cancer awareness is all over your community, and for good reason. Early detection of breast cancer represents your best chance for beating it, so you should be aware of the symptoms and get regular exams to check for it.
id=548261 - May 01, 2007
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is Almost Here
Daniel Namm
Get involved with breast cancer awareness month by participating in awareness events. You can also use breast cancer promotional items to educate people about the risks of the disease.
id=4807498 - Aug 05, 2010
Does Breast Cancer Awareness Apparel Help?
Louise J Holland
Advantages of using breast cancer awareness apparel and how it spreads awareness. The lack of knowledge and proper treatment areas in the poor countries and neighborhoods is extremely disappointing, and millions of people are currently suffering just because there is a serious lack of knowledge.
id=7228278 - Aug 12, 2012
Saving Lives Through Breast Cancer Awareness
Riley Hendersen
The insidiousness of breast cancer is without parallel - affecting over a million people a year worldwide and claiming the lives of women at a rate second only to lung cancer. As women battle for their lives on a daily basis, a grassroots movement to educate the women of the world continues to surge.
id=488330 - Mar 14, 2007
Think Pink! A Guide To Breast Cancer Awareness Gifts
Sarah Shepherd
Known worldwide as breast cancer awareness month, October is the perfect time to giveaway Breast Cancer Awareness Promotional Products. Learn how pink products can help you raise money for an extremely important cause!!-A-Guide-To-Breast-Cancer-Awareness-Gifts
id=728430 - Sep 13, 2007
Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness Through Your Business
Delina R. Cunningham
When we strive to raise awareness about a disease, we typically strive to increase awareness of three things. First, the scientific aspect of the disease, including rate of incidence, risk factors and best treatments; the physiological aspect of the disease, including what patients can expect and how they can cope with different outcomes; and third, the aftereffects of the disease, particularly what can be done to support those in remission as they try to resume a normal lifestyle.
id=3195699 - Nov 02, 2009
What Can My Business Do to Support Breast Cancer Awareness?
Delina R. Cunningham
Although men occasionally suffer from breast cancer, breast cancer is typically viewed as a female disease, a perception that's reinforced by the pink ribbon that's used to signify breast cancer awareness. But even as women are statistically more likely to suffer breast cancer than men, the high incidence of breast cancer among women makes it a disease that transcends the gender barrier and affects everyone.

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