Most Popular posts of Holi
The Baptism With the Holy Spirit - A Regeneration and Sanctification Perspective
Charles Smoot
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a very controversial subject within the Christian community. Although Christians of all denominations believe in a soteriology which includes a baptism with the Holy Spirit, theologically, all do not agree as to the time and manner in which a believer is baptized with the Holy Spirit. It is our belief that the Holy Spirit baptism is promised to every believer regenerated by faith in Christ. However, not every believer is baptized with the Holy Spirit at the time of conversion. As we examine the New Testament record found in the book of Acts, we shall discover, it is indeed possible to be converted to Christ and regenerated by the Spirit, but yet not receive the experience known as the Baptism with the Holy Spirit until some time afterward.
id=6083652 - Apr 02, 2011
"Tongues" and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Henry Bechthold
The subject of "tongues" and the baptism of the Holy Spirit have been taken over by "extremists" on both sides of the issue. One side denies their biblical usage and availability within contemporary Christianity. And, the other side has perverted their usage by ignoring and disobeying the biblical guidelines governing them.
id=7220323 - Aug 07, 2012
Sealed With the Holy Spirit
Mike Bradley
At the moment of salvation when we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, three most amazing things will happen. This article will discuss the third thing that will occur that some Christians really don't realize or have full knowledge of.
id=19701 - Mar 08, 2005
Holy Spirit POWER!
Michael Tummillo
This is what Pastor Michael describes as one of the most important lessons a Christian can learn. As spirit-beings having an earthly experience, Michael believes we are helpless without having this important person in our lives. In November-december 2005, Michael was invited to teach at a Methodist Church. Following are notes from one of those presentations...!
id=104580 - Nov 29, 2005
Yesteryear's Great Soul-Winners Write on the Baptism With the Holy Spirit
Joseph Perrello
Pentecostals/Charismatics are not alone in their belief that the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is subsequent to salvation; nor are they the first to hold this view. Many of the great non-Pentecostal evangelists and teachers of yesteryear -- spiritual giants whose names are linked with soul winning -- held to this view of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit long before there was a Pentecostal or a Charismatic movement. It is not recorded that they spoke with other tongues, but they did teach that the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is subsequent to salvation.
id=1212206 - May 29, 2008
Holiness and Revival, Book Summaries
Oliver Harding
This publication covers eighteen books summaries on holiness and revival. Authors include John W. Goodwin, Clara McLeister, T.M. Anderson, George Watson, H.A. Baldwin, Keith Drury, Joe Brice, Bernie Smith, William B. Riley and Leonard Ravenhill. Each summary contains three sentences.,-Book-Summaries
id=1410312 - Aug 14, 2008
The Holiness That Comes Through Fire
Robert Bolivar Scott
Have you been through the fire? Fiery trials are not the most welcome of occurrences in our Christian life. Peter tells us not to be surprised when fiery trials come, but most of us are indeed surprised, and we don't always rejoice in these ordeals. Yet do we realize that our main goal in life should be to become holy as our Father is holy? And sometimes trials by fire, difficult situations that test our metal, are the only way to bring about that holiness.
id=2615500 - Jul 15, 2009
Holi Traditions and Customs
Dipa Negi
Holi is a festival that speaks of trust, love and goodwill. This is probably the reason that all its traditions are also representative of this feeling of brotherhood and the victory of good over evil. This article describes some of them.
id=3804490 - Feb 22, 2010
Who Cleaned the Holy of Holies?
Keith Henry III
"Do you not know that your body is a temple to God?" I Corinthians 9:16. The Temple is our bodies; therefore it would not be too much of a stretch to say that the Holy of Holies is located within our bodies (the Temple). The Holies Of Holies, after all, was intended to be a place that Israel could look to and know that their God was with them. It was a place where they could physically see and feel God's Presence.
id=4912265 - Aug 23, 2010
What The Bible Teaches About Holiness
Sheldon Newton
Holy living is a subject that many believers in Christ Jesus need to hear today. It is not emphasized enough. To be holy means to live a set apart life unto Almighty God, Whom we serve. Holiness is sanctification in action. It is actually doing the things which God loves, while at the same time staying away from those things which do not please Him. Holiness is the result of walking in the fear and reverence of the Lord. Holiness is pleasing to God because it is living a consecrated lifestyle. Now it must be pointed out here that to be holy, according to the Bible, does not mean being weird. Weirdness is the result of being spooky. When we walk in holiness before the Lord, we literally set ourselves up to experience His blessings and provisions. This in itself is an awesome thing. But the greatest thing about living this way is the joy and power of developing a close and intimate walk with Almighty God.
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