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Monday, April 1, 2013

Most Popular posts of Game Of Thrones Season 3
HBO's Game of Thrones - As Good As The Book?
Josh Vollmer
I'll be honest. I'm a proponent of the tenet that the book is always better than the movie. Only in the cases where the book was written first, that is. If it says "The novelization based on the film" on the cover, then it's kindling. I'm snooty that way. Even when I know that the book is better, because it's always better, I'm still occasionally drawn to see a film adaptation. Maybe it's because a friend, or naive critic, says something like, "every bit as good as the book." Sometimes it's because I'm such a fan of the source material that I have to see how they butcher it with my own eyes
id=7101398 - Jun 04, 2012
Game of Thrones Leaves Me Wanting More
Marko Strbac
I picked up a copy of the Game of Thrones book, fully prepared to face the notorious sex, violence, and immoral acts it was purported to have. Thus, I thought nothing of the cheating wife, the incest, or of the kid being thrown off a tower. I have read far worse in contemporary and historical fiction. Yet when I reached the inevitable death of an innocent, golden-eyed wolf pup at the reluctant hands of its master's father, I felt a tugging of heartstrings. It was then that I realized that George R. R. Martin can spin a good yarn - one that entangles you in its fine threads before you realize what's happening.
id=6583620 - Sep 24, 2011
Game of Thrones Series Review (Contains Spoilers of Both Season 1 and 2)
Rico Ansems
The Game of Thrones series is based on the bookseries written by George R.R Martin, who by now can be named as a literate mastermind, his series have been keeping several internet communties active just by figuring out all the connections his books contain. Even after re-reading the books three times you will still be able to find new connections and clues about what might be coming for the following season. Just a kind advice for all of you who decided to read this regardless of the spoiler advice, George R.R Martin really likes to kill people, so do not get attached to a main actor. In this article we will be discussing several characters from my persective from both the books and the series although this article will be mostly series based.
id=7282317 - Sep 13, 2012
Game Of Thrones: TV Fantasy for Grown Ups
Barry F
Warning, spoilers for season 1. HUGE spoilers!!!!! Still there? OK. Well, the first season of HBO's newest series has just finished. Based on the huge, and still expanding fantasy series from George RR Martin. Set, as most fantasy books seem to be, in a world similar to medieval England. The world has seasons that can last many years and, as the tag-line goes: Winter is coming.
id=6391496 - Jun 30, 2011
Book Review - A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
Tracy Falbe
Fantasy readers will find a rewarding experience when they delve into Martin's epic fantasy series. Find out how this leading fantasy genre author captivates readers with diverse characters and thrilling plot twists.
id=569235 - May 17, 2007
The Old Man at the Baseball Game
Gayland Coles
The old man at the baseball game sat in his usual seat in the bleachers. The chair he sat in was propped up for his comfort. He'd been coming to the game as long as the oldest person remembers, and even they were children when they first encountered him. So in essence no one really knows his age. Many people say even he didn't know his correct age, but that's hard to believe with all the wisdom that glows all around him.
id=2680676 - Jul 29, 2009
NFL Season Predictions Part 2: NFC East
Dennis Biray
As training camp has emerged creating a vast set of emotions of both hope for rookies and redundant routines for veterans, it is never to early to began the rampant speculations surrounding the issue of how the teams will look in the standings come season end. Through my knowledge of the sport and teams, as well as careful analysis of recent off-season acquisitions and losses, I have come up with a forecast of how I expect each team to finish in its respective division.
id=255966 - Jul 28, 2006
Top 10 Games For Nintendo Wii
Tiffany Windhurst
Nintendo continues to prove that it is the best manufacturer of game consoles by releasing Nintendo Wii. The Xbox of Microsoft and Playstation of Sony may have huge gains in sales, but Nintendo remains a front runner in game consoles by targeting both casual and hardcore gamers.
id=5494123 - Dec 04, 2010
Daenerys Targaryen: From Stormborn to Salvation
Matt P Kerr
Daenerys Targaryen, The Mother of Dragons and Stromborn is the legitimate daughter of Aerys Targaryen "The Mad King" who's throne was usurped by Robert Baratheon. She is in exile far from the home of her birth and plans to return. This is a shot bio on her story so far in the TV adaption of George R R Martins A Game of Thrones.
id=7308648 - Sep 29, 2012
A Review of Fantasy Elements in A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin
Saso Alauf
Let's focus on the fantasy side of Game of Thrones for a while. What sort of unearthly creatures or powers can you expect to see or hear about in the show? This post may contain some minor spoilers, so if you're trying to stay away from them you might want to stop reading...

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