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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mel B
Mel Bay - The Most Incredible Jazz Music Guitar Player Ever!
Auburn Walker
Jazz guitar player Mel Bay was born on February 25, 1913 in the little Ozark Mountain village of Bunker, Missouri. He bought a Sears guitar at the age of 13 and several months later played his initial "gig." He recalled performing right up until his fingers were raw!!
id=6300639 - May 25, 2011
Unwell Mel Game Review
Ruff Bismonte
Most famous doctors in television and in games need to contend with challenging and mysterious illnesses throughout their careers. In Unwell Mel though, you get to meet a man that seems to be infested with all of the diseases known to man and beyond. This time as you play doctor, you'll need to solve all of Mel's hundreds of sicknesses through a wacky match-3 game that extends beyond medical reason.
id=2074390 - Mar 07, 2009
The Greatest Movies From The Controversial Mel Gibson
Michael Walters
One actor who has been in the spotlight quite often recently is Mel Gibson. I'd be lying if I said his recent stunts and drama has not tarnished my opinion of him badly. I don't think he will ever star in another movie, and I think the best thing for him to do would be to remain silent for the next few years.
id=5064939 - Sep 20, 2010
Mel Brooks is Crazy!
John T Jones, Ph.D.
Mel Brooks is crazy because he got into a bad crowd. I've proved this by doing genealogical research.!
id=162800 - Mar 16, 2006
Mel Gibson Movies: Then and Now
Sean Kurtis
We all know Mel Gibson, love him or hate him is up to you. But there is o thing for certain: He has become a Hollywood great starring alongside other Hollywood greats such as Goldie Hawn, Danny Glover, Robert Downy Jr, Helen Hunt, and James Gardner just to name a few. From Lethal Weapon to Braveheart Mel Gibson has stretched his acting abilities and has even proven himself as a good director with movies Apocalypto and Passion of the Christ. Find out more about Mel Gibson here.
id=5162986 - Oct 06, 2010
Mel Gibson And His Best Movies
Michael Walters
Regardless of how we feel about the guy, Mel Gibson is one actor who has had his fair share of incredible movies. Whether those movies will have the same replay value remains to be seen. I have personally not tried to watch a Mel Gibson movie in quite some time.
id=5077826 - Sep 22, 2010
Mel Gibson Comments Expose the Obvious
Robert Carberry
Gibson's comments classic Hollywood overkill. If comments said about most groups no big deal would be made out of it. Distortions of Hollywood and media truly gross
id=258252 - Aug 01, 2006
The Passion of Mel Gibson
Merle W. Temple
The man so many of us, as Christians, hold affection for has once again given his enemies not only the gun to shoot him with, but the bullets as well. In a carefully edited and selectively released tape, Mel's Russian paramour has fed her willing and eager accomplices in the secular media all they needed to prime their pumps of vitriolic judgments. Why do we care for Mel Gibson, and why does the corporate media and elite so hate him?
id=4714383 - Jul 21, 2010
My Top Five Favorite Mel Gibson Movies Of All Time
Steven Alexander
Wow, did Mel Gibson mess up a good thing. Why did he have to go throw his career and reputation down the toilet? I grew up on Mel Gibson's movies, and up until recently, I thought he was the greatest. We now know how he really feels and he will probably never act again. Having said that, the man has starred in some incredible movies.
id=5057826 - Sep 18, 2010
Mel McGee - Mum in a Million
George R Vaughan
Mel McGee had a small daughter and a husband serving with the army in Iraq. As a sales trainer in a corporate job she was out of the home for 60 hours a week, returning to an overtired toddler. "I took the minimum maternity leave, went straight back to full time work but I wasn't happy," she recalls.

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