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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Deacon Jones
Women in Bible Ministry - Phoebe the Deacon and Presiding Officer
Dr. Ann Nyland
id=1787659 - Dec 14, 2008
Enmity Against God
Troy Pearsall
What leaders should do to avoid hurting church members? When a Church leader is the origin of the complaint we must take this cry for help very seriously, we have at jeopardy the character of the leader, and the salvation of the member, neither of which should be fractured because of carnal thinking on the part of one or both or them.
id=2755522 - Aug 13, 2009
Things Pastors, Preachers, and Priests Should Never Do
Dennis Diehl
I know ministers. I spent a long time soaking in religion and ministers. I sat in meetings, seminars and sermons of ministers. I ate meals by the score and observed how men as ministers thought, reasoned and pastored their people. I was a minister and I have some advice for ministers.,-Preachers,-and-Priests-Should-Never-Do
id=146412 - Feb 16, 2006
Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 10
Justin Nale
A brief study of John's rebuke to the Pharisees and Saducees in Matthew 3:7-10
id=35928 - May 13, 2005
The Truth Intercepted by Rome, Islam, Mormonism
Bob Faulkner
The foundation was laid by the apostles of the first century. But for many centuries thereafter, men tried to dismantle that foundation with foundations of their own.,-Islam,-Mormonism
id=7448003 - Jan 03, 2013
Tiger Woods' 9 Favorite Golf Holes
Karen Fish
Tiger Woods 9th favorite hole is the 12th Hole at Augusta National Golf Course called "Golden Bell", a par 3, 155 yards. According to Augusta National the hole is a bear to play because of the swirling winds. It's all about distance judgment here. You must play to a very narrow green guarded in front by Rae's Creek, the White House Secret Service and tons of sand in front and behind.
id=3364778 - Dec 02, 2009
A Guitar Player's Story
Woody Bridges
I am writing this to let people know what it is like to be a professional player. I started playing very young. When I was in my 20's, I was playing with musicians that were professionals.
id=1376683 - Aug 01, 2008
First Timothy - A Short Exposition Regarding Ministry Focus and Formation
Steve Wickham
First Timothy is a charge from Paul to his protege Timothy to strengthen, encourage and advise him in the ways of God for the minister of Christ; regarding leadership of the church. This essay seeks to tease out the message of First Timothy around the construction and maintenance of a ministry for God and his people, as well as the call, style and role of a Christian ministry.
id=1716475 - Nov 22, 2008
Catholics and the House Church Experience
Michael Tummillo
Many Christians are taking part in the House Church movement in America. Catholics, too, are seeking answers to many questions and many Evangelicals are wondering how to include their Catholic friends.
id=724026 - Sep 09, 2007
Fatal Child Support Consequences - How to Maintain Your Sanity in a Bad Situation
Dr. Daryl D. Green
Yolanda is sick of her situation. She's going to college, working a full-time job, and taking care of her 9-month old. She's frustrated, irritated, and upset.

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