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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Frank Lautenberg
EPA Takes Aim at Asbestos
Frederick Schenk
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has wanted to ban all uses of asbestos since 1979, and this year it's closer to succeeding than ever before. In a recent policy speech, EPA administrator Lisa Jackson said that reforming the regulation of dangerous materials and chemicals was one of her department's top priorities. The focus of their reform is the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act.
id=3158546 - Oct 26, 2009
Global Warming, Cap and Trade, and Politics As Usual
Lance Winslow
Most economists believe that the Cap and Trade bill will somehow save the world from global warming. However, the reality is that global warming is only a theory; and this theory states that mankind's CO2 emissions are causing the ambient atmospheric temperatures to heat up, which will cause the polar ice caps to melt and sea levels to rise drastically. Perhaps, you heard all the predictions of Florida becoming totally submerged.,-Cap-and-Trade,-and-Politics-As-Usual
id=3188339 - Oct 31, 2009
Canned Hunts: Sports Afoul
Walter Brasch
Canned Hunts bring out the evil of mankind, and violate the spirit of true sportsmanship.
id=282049 - Aug 25, 2006
Closing Oyster Creek - The Nations Oldest Nuclear Power Plant
Cathy Sims
It's long past time to close Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, the nation's oldest operating nuclear plant, according to many experts in the know. Unfortunately the owners of the plant are making lots of money and there may be some other hidden agendas regarding the government authority agency, the NRC, which stands for Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an agency that has never denied a license extension to any owner of a nuclear power plant in the US.
id=1474136 - Sep 06, 2008
Terrorist List Errors Cause Problems For Many
Thomas Pyzdek
Errors in the TSA's Selectee List cause problems for many travelers. The problem is exacerbated by difficulties in getting one's name off of the list when it is put there by mistake. Now government officials want to use the list for other purposes. Is this a smart move?
id=3597124 - Jan 18, 2010
Stopping Drunk Drivers Before They Start
Jason G. Epstein
In many instances, technology is a major cause of auto accidents - particularly when drivers use their cell phones for calls or texting when behind the wheel. Now, however, two U.S. Senators have teamed up with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) in an attempt to use new technology to avert tragedy and wrongful death instead.
id=3560713 - Jan 11, 2010
Geriatric Economics - Why Valuing Our Seniors Enhances Social Welfare
Marquis Codjia
For the past 12 months, the Obama administration has grappled with healthcare reform, a thorny issue that became the poster child of infecund partisan musings in Washington. At the moment, officials are slighting an important area that is indissolubly tied to the ongoing debate: the nation's overall "geriatric policy".
id=3901823 - Mar 10, 2010
Is Water Still Drinkable?
E. Jean Perrins
ABC News reports that the US Environmental Protection has come under scrutiny from the American Congress for the state of US drinking water. Congress wants to know why the Safe Drinking Water Act has not been enforced to the point that tap water in many areas of the country is dangerous to drink.
id=4039699 - Apr 01, 2010
Crist Drops Out of GOP, Cites Political Health Reasons
Scott Spiegel
Everyone's bemoaning Florida Governor Charlie Crist's "political" decision to run for Senate as an Independent instead of a Republican, since he knows he'd lose the primary to Marco Rubio. Everyone's missing the point. The political rule-bending is tied to the ideology. Liberals and centrists are more likely to bend the rules to win elections and votes than conservatives. It's part of their political philosophy.,-Cites-Political-Health-Reasons
id=4212941 - May 01, 2010
10 Million Solar Roofs
10 Million Gallons of Solar Hot Water Act
Rich Hessler
Though 90% of United States citizens agree that we should be employing solar energy to combat our climate and energy crises, the U.S. government has been slow to embrace and develop legislation that addresses those concerns. In a bill titled "10 Million Solar Roofs
10 Million Gallons of Solar Hot Water Act" and introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on February 4, 2010, United States citizens in all 50 states would be eligible for rebates for the installation of solar electric and solar thermal systems.

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