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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling
Does Oil Pulling Really Work?
Victoria L Rizer
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice where you swish oil in your mouth for a few minutes each day. But does oil pulling really work? From everything I've read (I have only done it once myself so far) I would have to say "yes". But more on that later...
id=8291356 - Feb 01, 2014
"Oil Pulling" - The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free - Thank Go
Russ Miles
The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method.
id=567341 - May 16, 2007
Ayurveda - Oil Pulling For Detox
Honey Young
Dating back thousands of years, the practice of oil pulling was a popular Indian Ayurvedic treatment. Oil pulling is the process of swirling and pulling oil around the mouth and in between the teeth.
id=3344395 - Nov 29, 2009
Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil
Melissa M Fitzpatrick
When oil pulling becomes a part of your daily routine, there are many great health benefits. It helps to detoxify the body by drawing out the toxins when done for 15 to 20 minutes per day. It has many oral and systemic health benefits and is easy to do.
id=6917413 - Mar 02, 2012
At Home Dental Care: Oil Pulling
Melissa M Fitzpatrick
Learn how oil pulling will help improve your overall dental health. Some of the benefits include: eliminate bad breath, treat oral infections, bleeding gums, and helps to cleanse and whiten the teeth. It does all this by pulling out the toxins and bacterial that are hiding inside the mouth and teeth.
id=7068175 - May 18, 2012
Oil Pulling In A Nutshell
Lino K.Thomas
You might have heard about oil pulling at least once or twice and also you may not be much aware about this particular process. There will be a lot to say about oil pulling and its natural healing power for many ailments like BP, blood sugar, cholesterol, eczema, asthma, migraine, arthritis and more.
id=872485 - Dec 09, 2007
Oil Pulling Benefits and Oil Pulling Secrets For Optimum Oral and Physical Health
Neil Penn
The health benefits of oil pulling are worth their weight in gold. You have already seen the basic oral benefits in regards to plaque reduction; however it does NOT stop there.
id=1915384 - Jan 23, 2009
How to Use Oil Pulling to Detox and Heal
Grace Gregory
The primary focus of oil pulling is to aid in the detoxification of the body and to correct or maintain oral health. When done properly, the oil helps your body detoxify by "pulling" mucus, bacteria and other toxins out through your saliva. Aside from these expected results, relief of several other health issues have been reported by those who practice oil pulling daily, including the alleviation of allergies, headaches, respiratory problems, skin problems, digestion, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, just to name a few.
id=6552313 - Sep 10, 2011
Oil Pulling - Is It An Effective Remedy for Oral Thrush?
Zora Soong
In this article, I will share with you how to treat oral thrush naturally in the privacy of your own home at very low cost. This is a conventional method that has been tried and tested by many people through the years.
id=7352223 - Oct 26, 2012
The Origins of Oil Pulling
Neil Penn
So how did Oil Pulling get started? Oil Pulling was developed by Ukranian Physician, Dr. F. Karach. It essentially involves swishing and gargling the liquid inside of your mouth for a period of about 15-25 minutes. This can be Coconut, Sunflower, Sesame, or what ever other type you choose.

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