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Monday, December 2, 2013


True Warriors
Bohdi Sanders, PhD
Are terrorists real warriors? How about Nazis or gang members? They all participate or participated in warfare, which is how the dictionary defines a warrior. Isn't there more to being a warrior than being involved in warfare? What REALLY determines if someone is a true warrior?
id=1655539 - Nov 06, 2008
Warrior Wisdom - The Warrior Lifestyle
Bohdi Sanders, PhD
What does it mean to live a life of character, honor and integrity? What does it mean to have a code of honor that you life your life by? Do you really take time to stop and think about how your life should be lived? This is what the warrior lifestyle is all about. Isn't it time to live the warrior lifestyle?
id=1669517 - Nov 08, 2008
The Warrior, the Monk and the Mountain
Dax Moy
The warrior sat on a mound of stones atop the great mountain, his head in his hands and his chest still heaving with the exertion of the last stage of his climb. His black hair, now flecked with grey, clung to his face just as his clothing stuck to his body from the combination of the perspiration that resulted from his recent efforts as well as the ever-present fog that had dogged his steps since he first began his ascent of the sacred mountain many days before. Chain mail once as bright and shiny as a mirror was now caked in grime and dirt as well as patches of bright orange rust from the lack of the cleaning and oiling to which it was accustomed and his sword, whilst still serviceable showed signs that it had not been cared for for several days.,-the-Monk-and-the-Mountain
id=2001845 - Feb 16, 2009
World of Warcraft Guide Warrior - Jump Start Your New WOW Warrior
Paul Burkhardt
Are you playing World of Warcraft with a new Warrior? Need some tips to help you get through the first several levels? Here is some valuable information to help you get started.
id=3860480 - Mar 03, 2010
So, You Call Yourself a Warrior?
Rodger Ruge
Our country is in need of serious help. Look at what happened in New Orleans to all the people who were unable to help themselves due to a weak mind and body. The truth is there are times we can not wait for help to arrive because it is not coming. We must learn to find our warrior spirit, to train and cultivate this spirit and to inspire a culture in this country that empowers us to survive!,-You-Call-Yourself-a-Warrior?
id=91322 - Nov 02, 2005
Living the Warrior Ideal
Alain Burrese
When it comes to being a warrior, you have the same types of disagreements and controversies. Who really is a warrior? What is a warrior? You will find many different answers, and I happen to agree with many of them, even those that seem diabolically opposed. Living to the warrior ideas can give a person strength to get up early to exercise; Strength to stand up to injustices, no matter what; Strength to do the right thing, even when no one is looking; Strength to endure hardships and continue on; Strength to live.
id=1464884 - Sep 03, 2008
The Golden State Warriors Continue to Battle Their Way Back to the NBA Finals
Rick Grantham
The Golden State Warriors have achieved more success than many NBA fans are aware of. They have earned three trips to the NBA Finals, winning the championship once.
id=1744199 - Nov 30, 2008
Warrior PvP Guide - How to Be Effective in PvP
Phillip O'Riley
To help any of the World of Warcraft players understand their warrior characters better, in order to maximize their PvP performance and achieve high rated arena content, I'm writing this warrior PvP guide. The warrior is maybe the toughest class that the game has at present. Pretty easy to play in PvE, a warrior is rather difficult to play at maximum in a PvP battle. I will show you how to be the best for any PvP content, as a warrior.
id=2042170 - Feb 26, 2009
World of Warcraft Warriors - How to Build Everyone's Best Friend
Jon Weston
How to build an effective Warrior build in World of Warcraft used to be difficult. You'd build a Fury or Arms warrior, and then when you got to level 70 or 80, re-spec to a Protection warrior. Not anymore! Today you can enjoy any kind of warrior, in any part of the game - I'll show you how.
id=2496884 - Jun 18, 2009
10 Reasons to Make a Warrior
Justin R Hopley
Warriors can use every type of armor and weapons in the game. Other than a class specific item, Warriors can use any item in the entire game.

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