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Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays in Tough Times - 5 Practical Steps From the New Science of Happiness
Susan McMillin
The holiday season can be a stressful time under the best of circumstances, but in tough times creating happy Holidays can seem even more challenging. The new science of happiness, can help by identifying what makes us really happy and what we think will make us happy and doesn't. Using these 5 practical steps, proven effective by science, it is possible to have Happy Holidays in tough times and the effort just might turn those tough times around.
id=1695571 - Nov 16, 2008
No Happy Holidays From Me
Steven Clare
Well no I'm not being miserable in this season of festive cheer you will just get no "Happy Holidays" from me. I'm no Scrooge or Grouch but I may well be the ghost of Christmas past.
id=7426388 - Dec 17, 2012
Why Happy Holidays?
Bryon Newcome
It's that season when adornments increase, cash registers jingle with cash, and stores wish you "happy holidays!" WHAT?! What holidays? Why is happy holidays only used around the Christmas time of year? We have become so complacent that we tolerate this. If employees of our stores can't wish us "Merry Christmas" after we spend 100s of dollars on clearly Christmas gifts, then why should we patronize them? As Christians, why do we continue to be quiet and accept this foolishness. We have stood by too long. The time has come to stand up and when anyone offers you "Happy Holidays" respond with a cheery "and a Merry Christmas to you too". Why should we continue to take Christ out of the Christmas Holidays.
id=6658331 - Oct 29, 2011
We Wish You - Happy Holidays!
Elsabe Smit
This is the time of the year that normally gets me thinking. I receive Christmas cards from people that assume I share their sentiments about Christmas. This is my dilemma: how to I reciprocate?!
id=1837967 - Jan 01, 2009
Happy Holidays Friends
Santosh Kalwar
A lonely soul wishing all his friends happy holidays. The poem is for all those who are friends to one another and for the special occasion which is holidays.
id=3461192 - Dec 21, 2009
Happy Holidays Vs Merry Christmas
Michael Allen
Yet another political battle takes place in America's arena. Happy Holidays offends Christians and Merry Christmas offends everyone else. We should be enjoying the vast differences we have in this world. But at the very least, I don't know why we can't learn to relax and tolerate those differences we find in others.
id=5536917 - Dec 11, 2010
Happy Holidays - Is It Ok To Say That?
Pam Sekula
I don't know about you, but I have NEVER had a problem conveying a seasons greeting. Be it "Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, Happy Holidays or Cool Yule," no one EVER got bent out of shape either by a correct salutation which matched the person's philosophy of life or religion, or saying "Blessed Solstice" to an Episcopal minister. Everyone understood it was the INTENTION of the greeting to warm the heart of both giver and receiver.
id=384532 - Dec 13, 2006
What Holidays Are You Referring to When You Say "Happy Holidays"?
Stacy Rose
Most people would be surprised to learn that there are many more winter holidays than Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. Would you like to learn about a few more?
id=4986901 - Sep 05, 2010
Christmas Baskets - 7 Ways to Wish the Kids a Happy Holiday Season
Shirley Bass
These 7 Christmas gift ideas for kids, gives you playful ways of expressing your happy wishes for a great holiday season. And whether they're home, coming home or are out in the world, it's all about snacking and playtime on this holiday vacation.
id=3433241 - Dec 15, 2009
Gratitude Day - The Key to Happy Holidays in Tough Times
Susan McMillin
Gratitude day, otherwise known as Thanksgiving just may be the key to having Happy Holidays in tough times. An Attitude of gratitude, even for a short time, has been shown to increase happiness 25%.

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