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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Teen Wolf
Monster High Clawdeen Wolf Doll
Steven Dime
Clawdeen Wolf is so popular that she is out of stock the minute she arrives in stores. She is part of the new Monster High line of products from the famous doll brand Mattel. It's a new line from Mattel that offers all sorts of goods from videos to toys.
id=5357867 - Nov 10, 2010
No One Volunteers To Be A Lone Wolf
Ken Solin
Lone wolves aren't born that way. They're created in a rigorous training program that begins when boys are young and impressionable. Boys never volunteer to participate in this program.
id=6360175 - Jun 17, 2011
Ten Tips for Raising Teens
Bill Corbett
Spending time with a teen is very different than with a school-age child. It requires abstaining from judging his or her likes or dislikes and being interested. During the teen years, your child is developing an awareness of who they are and what they will become. The tips offered in this article help parents maintain a strong relationship with their kids during this difficult time.
id=7441382 - Dec 28, 2012
Teen Weight Loss and Diet Empowerment Outsmart Your Stomach
Tollie Schmidt
Teens struggling with their weight here are seven ways to fill your gut and lose it, too. Many teens consume calories faster than their bodies can say, 'Stop!" explains Herman. "So they look to external cues to guide their consumption.
id=2334723 - May 12, 2009
Book Review - My Teenage Were-Wolf by Lauren Kessler
Lauren B Botney
As a 'mompreneur,' I usually write about business. I also talk about creating lifestyle balance. So when I recently closed my business books and read about a parenting subject, it was both a nice change and eye-opening. It was therefore with a mix of curiosity and trepidation that I sat down with "My Teenage Were-wolf: A Mother, A Daughter, a Journey Through the Thicket of Adolescence" by Lauren Kessler.
id=5026577 - Sep 13, 2010
Living With a Pre Teen Drama Queen
Kate Johns
I live with Candace, the teenage sister on Phineas and Ferb. Do you live with a raging, hormonal bull, that used to be a sweet,innocent baby? Read this article and discover how to handle your pre teen daughter without becoming an alcoholic.
id=5394586 - Nov 16, 2010
A Creative Way to Share Children's Books With Young Readers and Teens
Julie L Worthington
I love theater! That may not be everyone's cup of tea but have you ever thought of changing the way you share the reading experience with your young reader or yes, even your teen? I would encourage you to try this, choose a book, even one you have read many times is fine, and actually would be really great for the first time trying this; next choose a character and read the book as if you are acting out the parts.
id=6595198 - Sep 29, 2011
How To Get Your Ex Back Into Your Life When You Really Miss Them! 7 Ways to Get Them Back
Krista Hiles
There are guaranteed ways to get your ex back into your life but those really only work if they happen to be a lawyer, police officer, or health department inspector. If you want to stay on the right side of the law and septic system but still get your ex back, heed these steps.!-7-Ways-to-Get-Them-Back
id=5506359 - Dec 06, 2010
Beware! Of "Work from Home" Wolf Tickets (Part 2)
Tara Brewer
Scammers biggest target market is stay at home moms, but in recent years this group has become schooled on scams. Scammers are now trying to slither into the wallets of a new target. Who are they?!-Of-Work-from-Home-Wolf-Tickets-(Part-2)
id=114921 - Dec 17, 2005
Character Education That Teens Love!
Elizabeth L Hamilton
Character education, when listed on high school curricula, is not likely to generate excitement in teenagers. Having taught high school for years, I know whereof I speak. Teenagers seek independence from parents and are in hot pursuit of adult freedoms. Many rebel against lectures on right and wrong, so how can you find character education they love?!

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