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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Taiwan Earthquake
India Real Estate: Highrise Buildings - Now Earthquake Protection with Warranty
Sandeep Donald Shah
Today most medium and high-rise buildings are following Life-Safety Design, more popularly referred as Earthquake Resistant Design for protection against earthquakes. However the awareness amongst people living in the seismic regions is increasing and they are now aware that for a small additional cost they can get a much higher Earthquake Protection for their buildings than what is mandatory as per the seismic codes.
id=382679 - Dec 11, 2006
Top Places to Visit in Taiwan
William Manor
Taiwan was called Ilha Formosa which means Beautiful Island by the Portuguese when they landed there in 1544. Taiwan may be small in geographical size but there is a wide range of things to do and see while vacationing there. In this article you will discover some of the top places to visit in Taiwan.
id=2280083 - Apr 28, 2009
Taiwan - A Mix of New and Old
Nicki Spehar
Taiwan is one of the independent provinces of China that is well known for wonderful infrastructure and industrialization. Very few people fail to see this island as a unique vacation destination. This island boasts of exotic beaches, natural features like mountains and wonderful vegetation...
id=7540571 - Mar 11, 2013
Earthquake Preparedness Tips
Julie Behling
There is no sure way to know whether or not you will experience a massive earthquake in your lifetime. But it's clear as day that those who prepare are the ones who are more empowered, more secure, and have much better odds of prevailing! There are some simple actions you can take right now to dramatically increase your chances of survival and relative comfort in the event of an earthquake or other disaster.
id=4245983 - Jun 12, 2010
Major Earthquake Warning Globally - Japan 8.9 Quake - Beware The Pacific Ring of Fire
Lance Winslow
Why are all these major Earthquakes Happening you ask? Well there is a lot of speculation after the two recent huge Earthquakes in New Zealand literally leveling half the city of Christ Church and sounding suburbs. And then a massive Earthquake hit off the North East coast of Japan.
id=6063273 - Mar 11, 2011
Japan Hit By Magnitude 8.9 Earthquake and Tsunami
Atasi H
Several countries in the Pacific, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and North America have also raised tsunami alerts. The places that have already issued the alerts are Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Russia, New Zealand, Philippines, Hawaii and Chile.
id=6066616 - Mar 12, 2011
Karma and the Sichuan Chinese Earthquake
Soon Bee Lan
Sharon Stone, the Hollywood Star, claimed that the devastating earthquake in China might have been "karma" for the country's treatment of Tibet and the Dalai Lama. Her comments have attracted much criticism.
id=1285560 - Jun 29, 2008
The Chinese Internet Crash of 2007
Tom Carter
In fact, internet blackouts are nothing new to foreigners residing in the People's Republic, who are accustomed to limited access to overseas sites that have been blocked by the central government's web monitoring entity, commonly referred to as The Great Firewall of China.
id=570865 - May 19, 2007
Taipei 101 - 101 Stories of Pride
Nikolas Tjhin
The journey towards the top of Taipei 101, the current record holder as the world's tallest skyscraper, begins with a high-speed elevator ride that ferries you up to the 89th floor in 37 seconds. As the sliding doors of the elevator parted ways, two flight of stairs welcome and lead you to the circular outdoor deck that sits on the 91st floor of Taipei 101.
id=2023992 - Feb 22, 2009
China Diplomatic Policy Leaves Some Questions
Lance Winslow
First of all we note that every time someone is a little upset with the U.S. on an ethics issue China moves in to establish diplomatic ties and replace our relationship with that country.

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