Most Popular posts of After Earth
A Novel of the Future - Constellation Libra - Life After Earth
Lauren S. Smith
Constellation Libra: Life After Earth is a moving new saga from author, Skylar Pharaon, about how the human race may evolve if the Earth yields to global warming - and how humanity might react when they face the challenges that this new earth will bring. As the earth becomes uninhabitable, humans look toward the stars and planets to find the answers and mankind becomes caught up in a stirring drama of having to look for someplace else to live. Pharaon's story begins "the new world order" that occurs after astronomers discovered a planet eight times the mass of Earth...
id=4256494 - May 08, 2010
The Original Purpose of God in the Creation of Earth
Abraham Israel
The planet earth is the most beautiful and purposeful project in all of God's creation. God started His creation with His throne in heaven and ended with the earth which is His destination project of the replica of heaven. And all His intermediary projects of angels and its abode in heavens were to fulfill his destination project of planet earth. The creation of God ended with us humans, so we are the Jewels in God's crown of all His creation.
id=1673206 - Nov 10, 2008
Can You Be a Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
Greg Neyman
Many young earth believers will claim that you cannot believe in an old earth and be a Christian. The reasons for this belief vary, but there are several overlying principles underneath this argument. None of these arguments stands up to scrutiny. In short, there is no reason why a Christian cannot believe that the earth is old.
id=124221 - Jan 06, 2006
The Kingdom of God: 9 - New Heavens and New Earth
Bob Faulkner
It's really coming. There are a lot of unanswered questions, but there is no question that it is coming. The Kingdom of God is the surest promise of God. It may begin within us, a mustard seed in comparison to the finished product, but it ends visible to all and for a very, very long time. Don't miss it!
id=5207192 - Oct 14, 2010
Science and the Bible on the Earth's Formation
Leander Raymond Pimenta
Although we know a great deal about the structure of the Earth we do not know for sure how exactly it was all put together. As a university lecturer in one of the geosciences this problem has intrigued me for over thirty years and I have considered most of the many theories but had to discard them all for their vagueness. I now know there is a more clear and detailed story to tell and the purpose of this article is to share this knowledge.
id=7322427 - Oct 08, 2012
Production Of Iron And Aluminum, Water, Hydrogen, Alkaline Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, And Sodium
Karel Kosman
Another use of electrolysis is the purification of pure metals from their ores. A supply of electrical current can work to spark an oxidation or reduction process, so that materials can be extracted from their electrolytic solutions, or from a mix of molten metals. In this way, materials can be won in their pure form. Besides the electrolysis of an aqueous solution, an electrolysis can be performed on a molten mass of metals. Technically, electrolysis processes can be used to purify sodium and aluminum from a molten mass.,-Water,-Hydrogen,-Alkaline-Metals,-Alkaline-Earth-Metals,-And-Sodium
id=815187 - Nov 03, 2007
Life After Death - Accumulated Evidence that Separates Fact From Fiction!
Basil C. Hill
There are perhaps millions of people who would take and pass polygraph tests, affirming that they either saw or felt the presence of departed friends or strangers. There are many also, who have felt the unpleasant choke hold of an evil noun (Psalm 91) or night terror-often mislabeled as a nightmare. Even though millions could swear that they have seen dead people, we need to discern how certain types of spirits that inhabited and short-circuited a person's life are allowed spiritual snapshots or spiritual dog tags of that formerly living person. A printed or spiritual picture of a person only captures the likeness of that person--for pleasant or painful memories.!
id=873686 - Dec 10, 2007
What Happens After Death
Glen Russell
Discover what truly happens after death. This article reveals what happens to a soul when it passes over, including what happens to a soul who suicides or is very negative, and what happens to a soul who has run out of time to walk the path of love and forgiveness.
id=6829981 - Jan 20, 2012
Young Earth Vs Old Earth
Frank W Spangler
Many Christians have traditionally believed that our world is only about 10,000 years old. Multiple lines of scientific evidence now show that the Earth is very old. How should Christians relate to modern scientific discovery?
id=7509738 - Feb 15, 2013
History of the Earth
Karel Kosman
The earliest era, called Precambrian, encompasses the time period from the very first beginnings of the earth to the time when the first rocks appeared. These rocks contained petrified residues from which it was possible to determine the age of one layer of rocks. No petrified remnants dating back to the Precambrian proper were found. It is not possible to provide any precise information concerning the formation of the rocks of that time because, since that time, the earth has been undergoing constant changes. It is possible to classify only certain processes of the origins of the mountains (most importantly in Northern America, Scotland, and Greenland - Laurentian Plateau formation).
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