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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Will IPL Survive?
I Durrani
IPL - The Indian Premiere League is one of the hottest issues on the planet right now! There are different versions of thought on IPL. Some say its good others say it's bad for Cricket. This article features some of the most important pros
cons of IPL.
id=4028142 - Mar 31, 2010
Rosacea - How IPL Gets Rid of Red Face, Blood Vessels and Acne
Brooke R. Seckel, M.D., FACS
Rosacea, also called Acne Rosacea is a very common skin condition characterized by a red face. Rosacea causes flushing of the face which eventually leaves permanently enlarged visible red blood vessels and capillaries, and a red faced appearance especially on the cheeks, nose and mid face.,-Blood-Vessels-and-Acne
id=2051139 - Mar 01, 2009
Difference Between IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) And Laser Hair Removal
Marco Romaro
Want to get rid of hair permanently? Read about two different hair removal methods, IPL and Laser, that can give you permanent results.
id=4035075 - Apr 01, 2010
IPL Treatment - What Makes the IPL Laser Different?
Charles Cheow
There are many different laser treatments now available as alternatives to plastic surgery. If you are considering all your options and follow current trends in this industry, you may have heard the term "IPL treatment" thrown about some. You may be wondering what IPL treatment is and what makes the IPL laser different from other laser procedures available. Your answers to those questions are right here.
id=6120396 - Mar 28, 2011
Brand New IPL 4 Highlights
Gautam Chintamani
Even as the fourth season of IPL i.e. IPL 4 kickstarted recently, lets take a look at some of the new developments and some stars this time in the IPL 2011 Teams. Of the last three editions, two finals have been won by relatively less fancied teams.
id=6173618 - Apr 13, 2011
5 Benefits of the IPL Procedure
Karen Tan
IPL is quickly becoming one of the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedures available. There are some other procedures that deliver similar results, such as a chemical peel or microdermabrasion, but there are five benefits that convince many people go for IPL instead.
id=6463872 - Jul 31, 2011
IPL Vs Laser
Ryan B. Williams
Over the past 15 years technology has increased the popularity of hair removal treatments among Men and Women. Laser hair removal is still the most popular form of treatment for unwanted hair among both Men and Women. Over the past 5 years the new light based technology of IPL or Intense Pulsed Light has gained popularity for its advantages over laser.
id=7264121 - Sep 02, 2012
Evoderma LUMI Home IPL Device - Review
Ryan B. Williams
One of the best performing and technically advanced IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal systems available on the market today is the LUMI by Evoderma. This is by far the nicest IPL or laser home device I have seen. It is no wonder Evoderma considers the LUMI to be their Flagship product.
id=7273173 - Sep 07, 2012
IPL Side Effects of Home Hair Removal Devices
Ryan B. Williams
Many methods of removing unwanted hair such as Waxing, Laser and Electrolysis can be quite painful. IPL does not pull out, burn or electrocute your hair. A wide spectrum of light is used to target the pigment know as melanin in each hair.
id=7288537 - Sep 18, 2012
IPL Hair Removal FAQs
Krista Polyenin
Being an estethician, I'm asked frequently about beauty treatment. These are the answers to the most frequent questions about IPL hair removal.

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