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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Federal Disability Retirement: A Primer for the Federal and Postal Worker
Robert McGill
Federal Disability Retirement benefits are available for all Federal and Postal Workers who have a minimum number of years of Federal Service. For the Federal Worker or the Postal Employee who is under the "older" system of Federal Service (under what is known as the Civil Service Retirement System), the minimum requirement of Federal Service needed to qualify for Federal Disability Retirement benefits is 5 years. For those under the "newer" system of Federal Employment, known as the Federal Employees Retirement System, qualifying for Federal Disability Retirement benefits requires a minimum of 18 months of Federal Service.
id=7520178 - Feb 23, 2013
The Differences Between State and Federal Court For Criminal Defendants
Clint Broden
When a potential client calls our firm and tells us that they are charged with a criminal offense, one the first things we generally ask them is whether they are charged in state or federal court. There have been several instances where we have represented two individuals at the same time who are charged with similar offenses but one has been charged in federal court and one has been charged in state court.
id=1762113 - Dec 05, 2008
Recession-Proof Federal Jobs, Careers
Openings Available Right Now - You Can Get Federal Job Now
Benjamin Anosike
Certainly, this is probably the biggest job-related secret in America today! The conventional thinking is there's such general joblessness in America today that there's NO job opening anywhere, and there's NO employer whatsoever who's hiring, anywhere! But the TRUTH, however, is that, contrary to that notion, there are, in fact, plenty of Federal jobs and Federal hiring right this moment, there's an abundance of Federal job openings available even right now.,-Careers-and-Openings-Available-Right-Now---You-Can-Get-Federal-Job-Now
id=1958165 - Feb 04, 2009
Federal Principle Under the Indian Constitution - A Perspective
Mohan Rao Bolla
Constitution is the legal document in which various governing principles are established, functions and procedural aspects of the government are specified under which different organs of the government work. Constitution is the supreme law of the land which is ascertained by Kelsen as the "Grund Norm" in his Pure theory of law...
id=5253515 - Oct 22, 2010
Federal Job Search Strategies: 7 Tips to Help You Succeed
Sean Dunagan
Landing a Federal job can be challenging, but these 7 tips will help you in your search.
id=20462 - Mar 14, 2005
Federal Government Resume
Chuck Bronson
A resume is a personal and professional branding. Following strict government guidelines, a Federal government resume differs considerably from standard resumes and must be customized to Federal job announcements.
id=765555 - Oct 04, 2007
Writing A Federal Resume
Jason Kay
Applying for a federal job may seem a bit intimidating, due to the long list of special requirements regarding your application. One of the requirements is a resume in a certain format, known as a federal resume. What is a Federal Resume?
id=1206720 - May 27, 2008
How to Consolidate Student Loans - Federal Versus Private Loan Consolidation
Mary Cala
Student loan consolidation can be used by student or parents to combine their multiple education loans into one loan with one convenient monthly payment and often with lower interest rate. Both federal and private consolidation loans are available, but federal loans usually provide better borrower benefits.
id=1639898 - Nov 02, 2008
Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp - Remanded Custody Vs Self Surrender
Jonathan L Richards
There are two ways to get to Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp. One, escorted by US Marshals under remanded custody and two, on your own recognizance, which is known as self surrender. Self surrender is by far the more desirable of the two. If you are expecting to get to Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp via remanded custody, you will be taken into custody immediately after being sentenced. Thereafter, be prepared for an uncomfortable few weeks or months before you arrive at your designated Federal Prison Camp. If you have been granted the opportunity to self surrender to Federal Prison Camp, the judge has done you a favor that you should be very thankful for and take full advantage of.
id=2209744 - Apr 11, 2009
Disability Retirement For Federal Workers - The Importance of a Coherent and Consistent Application
Robert McGill
Federal and Postal employees either fall into one of two possible retirement systems: FERS (an acronym for Federal Employee Retirement System) or CSRS (Civil Service Retirement System). Whichever system the Federal or Postal employee falls under, the benefit of Federal Disability Retirement is an option which is available, in the event that a Federal Government worker is no longer able to perform at least one of the essential elements of one's job. Remember that, in order to qualify for Federal Disability Retirement benefits, the medical condition or injury does not have to be job-related.

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